tasermonkey / iphone-passwordmaker

iPhone Version of the passwordmaker algorythm
GNU General Public License v3.0
12 stars 3 forks source link

Cannot add new profile. Buttons hidden by keypad. #10

Closed frecon closed 12 years ago

frecon commented 12 years ago

Screenshot: http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/46/photo20111202234652.png

Thanks for the app! I've been using it for a year now. You're an angel! Please continue updating it. More visible characters for the input url would probably be the top of my feature request. Have a great weekend!

ps. btw, the github link at http://passwordmaker.tasermonkeys.com/iphone/support/ is broken.

tasermonkey commented 12 years ago

thanks for the update on the issue link. I just fixed that. I will look into the buttons thing. What version of the iphone do you have?

tasermonkey commented 12 years ago

Ok, I updated the app with the dialog box showing up atleast completely on my iphone 3Gs I also made the url field a tad bit wider, my problem is that the (X) that appears when the text field is highlighted takes up some room... Plus the (>) button to goto the screen with the saved URLs. Thanks for caring enough to actually post a bug report on something thats been bugging you!

I spent more time figuring out Apple's new way of updating the app in the app store than I spent fixing the bug. :-P I don't know how long it takes Apple now adays to post the update of the app but i figure its probably less than 2 weeks.

frecon commented 12 years ago

Wow! Thanks for fixing it on such a short notice. I have an iphone 4. Just discovered the same buttons-hidden-by-the-keypad also exists when adding domains.

I would love to contribute to this app but I don't have the time atm to get into objective-c and cocoa. Maybe in the future though! :)

tasermonkey commented 12 years ago

It now has been accepted into the app store.