taskrabbit / react-native-zendesk-chat

React Native Wrapper around Zendesk Chat v2
MIT License
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How do you style the top bar on IOS? #134

Open jvgeee opened 2 years ago

jvgeee commented 2 years ago

I've got the styling of the top bar with a custom color working on Android via changing my theme, but the IOS instructions are confusing:

The navigation bar color is not set by the Unified SDK but inherited from the presenting navigation controller or the UINavigationBar appearance singleton.

There is currently only one colour that can be set on the Chat SDK. This colour is used to style the user's message bubbles. For more details, see the docs on [styling the Unified SDK](https://developer.zendesk.com/embeddables/docs/ios-unified-sdk/customize_the_look#how-theming-works).

Has anyone successfully changed the navigation bar color on IOS? I'm in over my head here, but it's currently dark blue with black text and it looks awful.

CaueSampaio commented 2 years ago

I tried everything i found about UINavigationBar customization and had no apparently success in simulator. When i tried in a physical device it inherited the theme colors. So in simulator i have this awful topbar with a blue background and a black text color. But in the device its ok. have u already runned your app in a physical device?