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Tag picker compose #2849

Closed hady-exc closed 1 month ago

hady-exc commented 1 month ago


This is an implementation of the TagPicker activity via JetPack Compose. Hope it may be usefull for you.

See org.tasks.tags.TagPickerActivityCompose.kt.

Best regards, Andrei Khapugin

abaker commented 1 month ago

Thanks for the PR!

Let me know if you want to do any more compose conversions. I started converting MainActivity/TaskListFragment to compose, but there are a ton of of other things that need to be converted

hady-exc commented 1 month ago

Hello, Alex!

Yes, I would be glad to continue. Which one?

Regards, Andrei

вс, 21 апр. 2024 г., 09:27 Alex Baker @.***>:

Thanks for the PR!

Let me know if you want to do any more compose conversions. I started converting MainActivity/TaskListFragment to compose, but there are a ton of of other things that need to be converted

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abaker commented 1 month ago

Anything besides TaskListFragment and TaskEditFragment are fair game.

There are a bunch of AndroidViewBindings in TaskEditFragment. Those are partially converted to compose (except the subtask one, I finished that but haven't pushed it). Also any of the dialogs that pop up in the task edit fragment.

There are also the list and tag settings screens, the sync account setting screens (CalDAV, EteSync, DAVx5), and the widget settings screen. All of the app preference screens need to be rewritten - that'll be a pretty big job (eventually should migrate the preferences to jetpack datastore but that will be a big job by itself)

Another one is the navigation drawer customization screen. I converted the menu screen to compose so the customization screen can re-use the UI elements. The main work here would be adding drag and drop reordering. This would get rid of a bunch of old view & recycler code

hady-exc commented 1 month ago

OK, got it, thank you!

I'll start from TagSettingActivity and then others based on BaseListSettingActivity.

Regards, Andrei

пн, 22 апр. 2024 г. в 18:35, Alex Baker @.***>:

Anything besides TaskListFragment and TaskEditFragment are fair game.

There are a bunch of AndroidViewBindings in TaskEditFragment. Those are partially converted to compose (except the subtask one, I finished that but haven't pushed it). Also any of the dialogs that pop up in the task edit fragment.

There are also the list and tag settings screens, the sync account setting screens (CalDAV, EteSync, DAVx5), and the widget settings screen. All of the app preference screens need to be rewritten - that'll be a pretty big job (eventually should migrate the preferences to jetpack datastore but that will be a big job by itself)

Another one is the navigation drawer customization screen. I converted the menu screen to compose so the customization screen can re-use the UI elements. The main work here would be adding drag and drop reordering. This would get rid of a bunch of old view & recycler code

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/tasks/tasks/pull/2849#issuecomment-2069919665, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/ARED7CONPHRPBORIL7SHCYLY6UU2PAVCNFSM6AAAAABGQUGGBCVHI2DSMVQWIX3LMV43OSLTON2WKQ3PNVWWK3TUHMZDANRZHEYTSNRWGU . You are receiving this because you authored the thread.Message ID: @.***>