I know I can easily search up the link in Twitter's default search bar and find tweets containing URLs to the link, whether or not the URL themselves match the link (just the location matters). However, it seems that searching for tweets through twitterscraper is missing tweets that don't have the URL as specifically given.
I may be missing something simple. Is there a way to easily search up whether a link is included in a tweet?
Say, I want to see if "http://www.latimes.com/business/hollywood/la-fi-ct-james-franco-allegations-20180111-htmlstory.html" appears in a tweet, but not necessarily in that form. It may be a bit.ly link, or some other link shortened version.
I know I can easily search up the link in Twitter's default search bar and find tweets containing URLs to the link, whether or not the URL themselves match the link (just the location matters). However, it seems that searching for tweets through twitterscraper is missing tweets that don't have the URL as specifically given.
Any help is appreciated. Thank you!