taspinar / twitterscraper

Scrape Twitter for Tweets
MIT License
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Previously installed Twitterscraper now not working #294

Closed HandyTralee closed 4 years ago

HandyTralee commented 4 years ago

I am using Jupyter notebook and until last night I was successfully running Twittersscraper having installed it using !{sys.executable} -m pip install twitterscraper in the Jupyter notebook.

Today I continue to get an error Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement coala-utils~=0.5.0 (from twitterscraper) (from versions: none) and cannot load it.

I have also used pip install twitterscraper at the Jupyter Terminal but keep getting this error Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement coala-utils~=0.5.0 (from twitterscraper) (from versions: none)

Any ideas ?

lapp0 commented 4 years ago

share the output of pip3 freeze

also run pip3 uninstall coala-utils && pip3 install coala-utils~=0.5.0

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