taspinar / twitterscraper

Scrape Twitter for Tweets
MIT License
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Got 0 tweets today. Scraping correctly until yesterday! #336

Open matteoravani10 opened 3 years ago

narain1 commented 3 years ago

yeah same problem

dantechguy commented 3 years ago

My network blocks proxys, so even with --disableproxy initially I got

requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host='free-proxy-list.net', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: / (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x000002191C342A60>: Failed to establish a new connection: [WinError 10060]

After setting up a VPN to bypass the proxy block, am now getting

requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: ('Connection aborted.', OSError(0, 'Error'))
lukaspistelak commented 3 years ago

i think they shut down non-javascipt render at twitter search web page

dantechguy commented 3 years ago

If you need an urgent alternative twint seems to still be functional

Legnus commented 3 years ago

@dantechguy I was using Twint, and it stopped functioning as well today. https://github.com/twintproject/twint/issues/863

abhi0420 commented 3 years ago

Same problem Getting 0 tweets every time I run the query It was working fine till yesterday If anyone can suggest some alternatives It'd be great!

sm-ghavami commented 3 years ago

I just changed the code to solve the problem. Check the changes at https://github.com/taspinar/twitterscraper/pull/337

javad94 commented 3 years ago

i think they shut down non-javascipt render at twitter search web page

Maybe because they launched their new API: https://blog.twitter.com/developer/en_us/topics/tools/2020/introducing_new_twitter_api.html

snmishra commented 3 years ago

A legacy feed is still available by submitting the form in the noscript tag. The scraping will be different though.

reverse commented 3 years ago

A legacy feed is still available by submitting the form in the noscript tag. The scraping will be different though.

how is this done?

snmishra commented 3 years ago

A legacy feed is still available by submitting the form in the noscript tag. The scraping will be different though.

how is this done?

Never mind my comment, I missed that it's already fixed in #337.

someguy-2020 commented 3 years ago

Fix #337 did not completely fix the user search (keyword search seems good). Seems 1st return is JSON, but additional returns may not be. I added a "try: except:" after "try:" in line 107. It first trys response.text...than excepts: json_resp...

blafaye1 commented 3 years ago

Fix #337 did not completely fix the user search (keyword search seems good). Seems 1st return is JSON, but additional returns may not be. I added a "try: except:" after "try:" in line 107. It first trys response.text...than excepts: json_resp...

I'm not following your fix for the user search. Can you share your code snippet for those lines?

someguy-2020 commented 3 years ago

It did not fix the problem. I think the problem might be that the "INIT_URL_USER"/"RELOAD_URL_USER" have changed in query.py. The INIT_URL_USER seems to work OK, but says "has more items" is FALSE.

devded commented 3 years ago

the same problem got 0 tweets, maybe twitter launch their new API

DiabetesLongTorsoMan commented 3 years ago

Yeah it appears that #337 did not fully fix the issue. Before I made the changes in #337 I would get 0 tweets every time, but now, it will run for a while and then eventually start returning 0 tweets again.

DiabetesLongTorsoMan commented 3 years ago

It did not fix the problem. I think the problem might be that the "INIT_URL_USER"/"RELOAD_URL_USER" have changed in query.py. The INIT_URL_USER seems to work OK, but says "has more items" is FALSE.

Did the changes in #337 fix the problem temporarily for you too? With it I started getting tweets returned, but after 5-10 minutes it starting returning 0 tweets again.

someguy-2020 commented 3 years ago

The #337 fix works for KW searches. #337 does not fix User searches. The INIT_URL_USER returns up to 20 (?) of a user tweets. The return is JSON, and processed OK. The initial returns seems to always say "has more items" = False, which is not true in most cases. My guess is that the URLs for User search need to be updated like they were for KW search in #337.

DiabetesLongTorsoMan commented 3 years ago

The #337 fix works for KW searches. #337 does not fix User searches. The INIT_URL_USER returns up to 20 (?) of a user tweets. The return is JSON, and processed OK. The initial returns seems to always say "has more items" = False, which is not true in most cases. My guess is that the URLs for User search need to be updated like they were for KW search in #337.

I don't think the #337 fix works fully for KW searches either. I am only doing KW searches and they work for a bit but after a while (it seems to be a different amount of time each time) 0 tweets is returned

christiangfv commented 3 years ago

How I can implement solution # 337 without modifying the module ?

someguy-2020 commented 3 years ago

Without difficulty I don't think you can

sspartzz257 commented 3 years ago

@christiangfv, You can edit your py file /opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/twitterscrapper and go into the query.py script and change the code and this will solve your issue. I troubleshooter for a few hours last night and this was the best way to do it.

wajonespress commented 3 years ago

337 worked a few times, and then I get this error message and only a fraction of my limit.

Failed to parse JSON while requesting "https://twitter.com/i/search/timeline?f=tweets&vertical=default&include_available_features=1&include_entities=1&reset_error_state=false&src=typd&max_position=thGAVUV0VFVBaAwKqhpsTgySEWgoCogZGk3sohEjUAFQAlAFUAFQAVARUAFQAA&q=arson%20OR%20firebug%20since%3A2019-12-12%20until%3A2019-12-26&l=english" Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/twitterscraper/query.py", line 109, in query_single_page html = json_resp['items_html'] or '' KeyError: 'items_html'

I also get errors for line 104 and 182 which doesn't resolve until a reinstall twitterscraper and the commit request.

Can anyone help? I'm a first time coder. Very, very new to this stuff.

GivenToFlyCoder commented 3 years ago

I just changed the code to solve the problem. Check the changes at #337

@snmishra Thanks! I'm using Query Search with User Search, this work for a while, sometimes i get a lot of tweets and sometimes i get 0 tweets! Sometimes i repeat the searches with the same keywords, Accounts and dates, and a i get different tweets.

narain1 commented 3 years ago

anyone has any idea how to overcome: key error items_html

mis-tech commented 3 years ago

Same problem Getting 0 tweets every time I run the query It was working fine till yesterday If anyone can suggest some alternatives It'd be great!

hey can uh get just user info? because it's giving syntax error

ghost commented 3 years ago

As of August 21, 0 tweets is still an issue. Hopefully, this can be addressed soon.

EklipZgit commented 3 years ago

Seriously, nobody fixed this in like 3 months? Just had to stop sending a header in the initial request, I'll try to get a pullrequest out...

Altimis commented 3 years ago

All twitter scrapers dont seem to work anymore. I tried to use selenium to simply scrap maximum tweets between two chosen dates for given quiries. Check my work on : Scweet. let me know if you need any clarification.

amitchandnia commented 3 years ago

the same problem got 0 tweets, maybe twitter launch their new API

have you solved this issue?