taspinar / twitterscraper

Scrape Twitter for Tweets
MIT License
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Sponsored posts not filtered out #342

Open LinqLover opened 3 years ago

LinqLover commented 3 years ago

We are scraping tweets by a certain query on a regular basis and storing the results into a database. Recently we found a rather small number of tweets not matching our query we pass to the twitterscraper in any way neither being a response to a relevant post. These tweets look like sponsored posts that possibly were not filtered out correctly.

However, while we have been running the twitterscraper every day for ~9 months since now and scraped nearly 5000 tweets, there were only ca. 16 unmatching tweets in our database, so the problem appears to occur highly sporadically. Some, but not all of tweets are also available in a backup from 2020-08-01, so the problem might be a bit older but still persists.