taspinar / twitterscraper

Scrape Twitter for Tweets
MIT License
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AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'find_all' #376

Open eelegiap opened 10 months ago

eelegiap commented 10 months ago

Got the error in the title after trying out some of the demos (twitterscraper Trump -l 1000 -o tweets.json) on the readme. Only thing I did was pip install twitterscraper and the command I mentioned. Below, I've pasted my venv!

beautifulsoup4==4.12.2 billiard==4.1.0 bs4==0.0.1 certifi==2023.7.22 charset-normalizer==3.2.0 coala-utils==0.5.1 idna==3.4 lxml==4.9.3 requests==2.31.0 soupsieve==2.4.1 twitterscraper==1.6.1 urllib3==2.0.4

elir0d commented 10 months ago

I got the same error

bai0012 commented 9 months ago

me too

Hectorvallejo commented 8 months ago

Tengo el mismo error = alguien puede ayudar a dar solucion ?

Andrejy9 commented 7 months ago

same Error here, is the repo still working?

PublicVoidDev commented 6 months ago

same error

IIIIIIIop commented 5 months ago

same error, how can i do to solve it

digglife commented 4 months ago

The last updated date is 4 years ago, when Twitter was still called Twitter. So I don't think it works anymore.

huonchan commented 2 weeks ago

In conclusion, it doesn't work.

The above problems can be solved, but the fundamental problem is

In the past, Twitter used

  • tags to construct timelines and used them to obtain timeline information, but now Twitter dynamically constructs timelines using JavaScript or something, and at the time of this project's acquisition process, it is physically impossible to obtain the elements that make up the timeline.

    It would probably be quicker to create the same process from scratch, but it would be difficult to reproduce unless there was a method to apply processing to dynamically created things.