tassianunes / Game_Unity-Openvibe

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Algoritmo ExampleFloatInlet #2

Open tassianunes opened 4 years ago

tassianunes commented 4 years ago

using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Linq; using Assets.LSL4Unity.Scripts.AbstractInlets;

namespace Assets.LSL4Unity.Scripts.Examples { ///

/// Just an example implementation for a Inlet recieving float values /// public class ExampleFloatInlet : AFloatInlet { public float[] lastSample;

    protected override void Process(float[] newSample, double timeStamp)
        // just as an example, make a string out of all channel values of this sample
        lastSample = newSample;

        /*  Debug.Log(" O primeiro sinal é " + lastSample[0]);
          Debug.Log(" O segundo sinal é " + lastSample[1]);
          Debug.Log(" O terceiro sinal é " + lastSample[2]);
          Debug.Log(" O quarto sinal é " + lastSample[3]);*/

