tastejs / todomvc

Helping you select an MV* framework - Todo apps for React.js, Ember.js, Angular, and many more
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AngularFire (Firebase) JSON #1179

Open CreativeSlave opened 9 years ago

CreativeSlave commented 9 years ago

Can you provide an example of the Firebase JSON structure? This would be helpful in recreating this. (The rules are read:false, so it is difficult to see how I would work with it)

sindresorhus commented 9 years ago

Can you be more specific? I have no idea what you're looking for specifically. Point to some lines of code or something.

CreativeSlave commented 9 years ago

I’m sorry, I realize there are examples for many frameworks, and my question was not specific. This refers to the "firebase-angular” project. What is the JSON data structure at "https://todomvc-angular.firebaseio.com/“?

Since I cannot see your Firebase data for the todo object, I was wondering if you could provide an example of the data you have in FireBase. What properties exist in a todo object. I want to practice, and so I want to set up my own Firebase instance, with a data structure that would match your data structure you have used.

urrgur commented 9 years ago

This should be added to the app's readme.

arthurvr commented 8 years ago

What is the JSON data structure at "https://todomvc-angular.firebaseio.com/“?

Good question. I agree, this makes sense and should be documented in the readme.

@tastejs/todomvc Who has access to this?