tastelessjolt / youtube-dl-android

A basic implementation of youtube-dl in Android/Java
GNU General Public License v3.0
105 stars 23 forks source link

How do you build the URL? #19

Closed ledux6 closed 5 years ago

ledux6 commented 5 years ago


I'm digging around your code and trying to fully comprehend how it all works.

I'm particularly interested how do you build this URL: https://r2---sn-apuoxu-30ol.googlevideo.com/videoplayback?itag=140&source=youtube&signature=D57B903AA9628708FE65C3A7B6DEBBC11C1615DC.240F806BFD2258385BBFA1D77BC2C8D60C1FCB82&clen=19589536&fvip=3&txp=5535432&initcwndbps=2080000&expire=1548800675&ei=Q35QXOfpDNHF7gONqICoCQ&key=yt6&keepalive=yes&sparams=clen%2Cdur%2Cei%2Cgir%2Cid%2Cinitcwndbps%2Cip%2Cipbits%2Citag%2Ckeepalive%2Clmt%2Cmime%2Cmm%2Cmn%2Cms%2Cmv%2Cpl%2Crequiressl%2Csource%2Cexpire&mm=31%2C29&ip= Because I'm mostly interested in the downloading aspect I can't seem to generate it.

tastelessjolt commented 5 years ago

Hey, since this is just a one to one copy of the original youtube-dl which I've linked it in the readme file. You may find the working there easier to understand than my code. If you're still facing problem understanding, then let me know, I'll update the readme with the working of the downloader.