tastybento / ASkyBlock-Bugs-N-Features

Bug Tracker for ASkyBlock and AcidIsland - note team is 100% working on next version BentoBox
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/is settings (for spawn island) is now broken ( #92

Closed L4BORG closed 7 years ago

L4BORG commented 7 years ago

/is settings (for spawn island) is broken since last update

L4BORG commented 7 years ago

Actually /is settings is broken for player islands too

tastybento commented 7 years ago

I can't replicate this right now. What is broken exactly? If you can, share your config.yml and islands.yml files.

L4BORG commented 7 years ago

If I do /is settings and click on random settings, for example if I'm trying to enable PVP on spawn, nothing happens. Before update I would see message in chat and I would be able to toggle settings.

L4BORG commented 7 years ago


  location: ASkyBlock:500060:115:500060:0:0
  spawnpoint: ASkyBlock:500000:120:500000:1119092723:1041864943
  range: 1000
  settings: '10000000000001101010100010000101111000110000111'
- -12540:115:-12540:94:110:92077b75-2184-311b-a919-0cc0149c0b02:false:false:10000000000001101010100010000101111000110000111:PLAINS:3
- -12540:115:-12430:94:110:6d242178-1734-3cde-bb1b-568b518ad484:false:false:10000000000001101010100010000101111000110000111:FOREST:9
- -12540:115:-12320:94:110:49f2152b-19fc-3586-84c1-55be3125898b:false:false:10000000000001101010100010000101111000110000111:PLAINS:3


# Config for ASkyBlock V3.0.6
# Maintainer: tastybento
# It is recommended that you check at least these settings:
# 1. island distance - the distance between islands. If upgrading set to what you had.
#    If you change island distance, you MUST reset the world.
# 2. resetmoney (general section) - set to true so that everyone starts with nothing
# 3. islandLevel (general section) - the height you want your islands to float
# 4. protectionRange - how big a player's island is at the start

##### Island Related Settings #####

   # Space between islands in blocks - NEVER change this mid-game.
   # Values for a new world:
   # 400 - puts players distance enough that they usually cannot see each other
   # 200 - allows some expansion of the protected zone (recommended)
   # 110 - for compatibility with established worlds. Cozy.
   # 50 - minimum - not recommended
   # Value must be an even number
   distance: 110

   # Default protection range (even number). Min = 0, Recommended = 100
   # Larger values will take longer to calculate the island level
   # Admins can change protection sizes for players individually using /asadmin setrange
   # or set this permission: askyblock.island.range.<number>
   # For optimal performance, keep protection range at leat 16 blocks less than distance.
   protectionRange: 94

   # Start islands at these coordinates. This is where new islands will start in the
   # world. These must be a factor of your island distance, but the plugin will auto
   # calculate the closest location on the grid. Islands develop around this location
   # both positively and negatively in a square grid.
   # If none of this makes sense, leave it at 0,0.
   startx: 0
   startz: 0

   # Sea level height (don't changes this mid-game unless you delete the world)
   # Minimum is 0, which means you are playing sky block!
   # If sea level is less than about 10, then players will drop right through it
   # if it exists. Makes for an interesting variation on skyblock.
   sealevel: 0

   # Island level - the height of the island.
   # Lowest level is 5
   islandlevel: 120

   #How many resets a player is allowed (override with /asadmin clearreset <player>
   #Value of -1 means unlimited, 0 means hardcore - no resets.
   #Example, 2 resets means they get 2 resets or 3 islands lifetime
   resetlimit: 10

   #How long a player must wait before they can reset their island again in second
   resetwait: 300

   #The number of seconds to wait for confirmation of a reset
   resetconfirmwait: 10

   #How long a player must wait until they can rejoin a team island after being
   #kicked in minutes. This slows the effectiveness of players repeating challenges
   #by repetitively being invited to a team island.
   invitewait: 60

   # Default max team size
   # Use this permission to set for specific user groups: askyblock.team.maxsize.<number> 
   # Permission size cannot be less than the default. 
   maxteamsize: 4

   # Island level calculation cool down in seconds
   levelwait: 60

   # Items that will be in the chest when the player starts an island
   # Must be in Bukkit Materials format. Format is <Material>:<Qty>
   # or <Material>:<Data>:<Qty>
   # Use <Data> to set the durability of a item or to select sub-items/colors.
   # Spawn Eggs must be defined by name, e.g., MONSTER_EGG:PIG
   # The format for POTIONS is as follows:
   # LEVEL, EXTENDED, SPLASH, LINGER are optional.
   # LEVEL is a number, 1 or 2
   # LINGER is for V1.9 servers and later
   # Examples:
   # POTION:JUMP:2:::1
   # POTION:WEAKNESS::::1   -  any weakness potion
   # Valid potion names are:
   # For V1.9 these are also available:
   # Check console for errors and guidance after reloading configuration
   # Schematics can override this - see schematicsection


   # Default island companion. Set schematic-specific companions in the schematicsection
   # RABBIT, WOLF, LLAMA or NOTHING. Default is COW.

   companion: COW

   # Default list of names, picked at random that will apply to the companion
   # You can add more if you like. If none are listed, the companion will not be
   # named.
   # Set schematic-specific companion names in the schematicsection
   - "&9[player]'s cow"
   - "&cEmergency &fFood?"
   - "&aD&6a&di&6s&9y"

   # Island naming
   # Only players with the askyblock.island.name permission can name their island
   # It is displayed in the top ten and enter and exit announcements
   # It replaces the owner's name. Players can use & for color coding.
   # These set the minimum and maximum size of a name. 
   minnamelength: 0
   maxnamelength: 20

   # Players with askyblock.islandfly permission can fly on their island. This setting is
   # how many seconds the player keeps fly mode while flying outside his island before it
   # is removed (and they fall).
   # Negative value will be considered as 0.
   flytimeoutside: 0

   # The permissions listed below will be given to the player while he is inside his island.
   # They will be automatically revoked when he leaves his island.
   #- "amazing.permission"

   # System settings - these cannot be changed by players, only viewed
   # Allow Enderman Griefing (default is to allow, see next setting)
   allowendermangriefing: true
   # Make enderman drop the block he is holding if he dies (recommended)
   endermandeathdrop: true
   # Allow creeper explosion damage to block (explosion still hurts)
   allowcreeperdamage: true
   # Allow visitors to use creeper explosions to grief islands
   allowcreepergriefing: false 
   # Allow TNT damage to blocks (stops players using TNT to destroy other's islands)
   allowtntdamage: false
   # Allow fire extinguishing by visitors
   allowfireextinguish: false
   # Allow chests to be blown up by creepers or TNT
   allowchestdamage: false
   # Allow visitors to keep their items if they die
   allowvisitorkeepinvondeath: false
   # Allow pistons to push outside of the protected area (maybe to make bridges)
   allowpistonpush: true
   # Allow mob projectiles to damage item frames (skeleton arrows, shulker shots)
   allowitemframedamage: false

# General Settings
   # Name of the world - if it does not exist then it will be generated
   worldName: ASkyBlock

   # Default language for new players.
   # This is the filename in the locale folder without .yml.
   # If this does not exist, the default en-US will be used.
   defaultlanguage: en-US

   # Check for updates - this will tell Ops and the console if there is a new
   # version available. It contacts dev.bukkit.org to request the latest version
   # info. It does not download the latest version or change any files
   checkupdates: false

   # Show enter/exit notices in Action Bar (11.1+)
   # Only shows if notices are enabled in settings
   showinactionbar: true

   # Maximum number of islands. Set to 0 for unlimited. 
   # If the number of islands is greater than this number, no new islands will be
   # allowed
   maxIslands: 0 

   # Use the control panel as the default display for /island
   # /island will always create an island if one does not exist
   # If the control panel is not used, then /island will teleport the player home
   # Players can change this setting using /island cp on or /island cp off
   usecontrolpanel: false

   # Create Nether - if this is false, the nether world will not be made and access to
   # the nether will not occur. Other plugins may still enable
   # portal usage.
   # Note: Some challenges will not be possible if there is no nether.
   # Note that with a standard nether all players arrive at the same portal and entering a
   # portal will return them back to their islands.
   createnether: true

   # New island-style nether. Change to false for standard nether
   newnether: true
   # Nether trees are made if a player grows a tree in the nether (gravel and glowstone)
   nethertrees: true  
   # Make the new nether roof, if false, there is nothing up there
   # Change to false if lag is a problem from the generation
   netherroof: true 
   # Nether spawn protection radius - this is the distance around the nether spawn
   # that will be protected from player interaction (breaking blocks, pouring lava etc.)
   # Minimum is 0 (not recommended), maximum is 100. Default is 25.
   # Only applies to standard nether.
   netherspawnradius: 25

   # Calculate level on login
   # If true, the plugin will run the level command for the player when they login
   # If the command is busy, it will fail silently
   loginlevel: false

   #Commands to run when the player resets their island (uncomment and customize)
   # [player] is the player name of who is reseting
   # If the command is proceeded by [SELF] the command will be run as that player
   # E.g., - "[SELF] kit tools"
   #- "kit tools [player]"
   #- "some other command"

   # Commands to execute when player leaves a team, either by leaving or being kicked
   # Commands will execute even if the player is offline, so may cause errors in
   # the console if the commands doesn't make sense
   #- "kit tools [player]"
   #- "some other command"

   # Commands to execute when a player starts a new island for the first time - NOT a reset
   #- "asadmin lock [player]"
   #- "[SELF] balance"
   #- "some other command"

   # Commands to execute when a player joins a new team island (does /island accept)
   #- "[SELF] balance"
   #- "some other command"

   # Visitor banned commands: Visitors to islands cannot use these commands
   - spawner
   - spawnmob

   # PVP cooldown in seconds. Players cannot toggle PVP off and on until this timeout
   pvpcooldown: 30

   # Invincible visitors - Prevent players from killing them (intentionally or by accident)
   # If they fall to the void, they get TP'd to their island.
   invinciblevisitors: false

   # Only used if invinciblevisitors is set to TRUE
   # This allow you to customize what kind of damage visitors should not receive
   # If you want visitors to receive a listed damage, put a "#" at the start of the line
   # See this for more info about options : https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityDamageEvent.DamageCause.html
   - FALL
   - FIRE
   - LAVA
   - MAGIC
   # 1.9+ only
   # 1.10+ only
   # 1.11+ only

   # Acid Section - for AcidIsland, but can be used in ASkyBlock as well.
   # Acid damage to player per second by being in acid if they have no armor on.
   # A fully health player has 20 health points. Players will regen some health
   # so the default will give players about 3 seconds to get out the acid
   # 0 = no damage, 10 = default damage, 20 = instant death
   aciddamage: 0
   # Damage that monsters will experience.
   mobaciddamage: 0
   # Damage that rain does.
   raindamage: 0
   # Damage that animals will experience in acid.
   animaldamage: 0
   # Damage chickens in acid - true or false - chickens tend to go swimming...
   damagechickens: false
   # Destroy items in water after this many seconds. Timing is variable and may occur
   # up to 2x this time. If 0, items will not be removed. Acid damage does not need to
   # be on for this setting to work. i.e., it'll work with water too.
   # Items fizz when they are destroyed.
   itemdestroyafter: 0
   # Ops receive damage from acid (Set to true if you want Ops to play properly)
   damageops: false
   # Armor protection.
   # Protect players from acid rain if they have a helmet on
   helmetprotection: true
   # Protect players from all acid if they have a full set of armor on
   fullarmorprotection: false
   # Damage type to apply in addition to acid damage
   # If you just want these to act, then make the acid damage 0 above
   # Note - these are potion effects and so can be cured by milk

   # Removing mobs - this kills all monsters in the vicinity. Benefit is that it helps
   # players return to their island if the island has been overrun by monsters
   # Con is that it kills any mob grinders 
   # Remove mobs when logging in
   loginremovemobs: true

   # Remove mobs when /island.
   islandremovemobs: false

   # Mob white list - these mobs will NOT be removed when logging in or doing /island

   # Sets the limit for number of monsters that can spawn in a chunk in this world. 
   # Note: this does not limit the number of monsters, just how many spawn naturally.
   # Note: If set to a negative number the world will use the server-wide spawn limit instead.
   monsterspawnlimit: 100

   # Sets the limit for number of animals that can spawn in a chunk in this world. 
   # Note: If set to a negative number the world will use the server-wide spawn limit instead.
   animalspawnlimit: 15

   # Animal breeding limits - if this is set to more than 0, then players will not be able
   # to breed more animals than that number on their island. A value of zero means no
   # limit. Note that animals will not be killed or reduced to this limit.
   # This WILL affect mobspawn blocks AND spawn egg use. Note that hearts will
   # still appear, but breeding will not happen.
   # Limit includes nether island if nether islands are active.
   breedinglimit: 0

   # Sets the limit for number of water animals [squid] that can spawn in a chunk in this world. 
   # Note: If set to a negative number the world will use the server-wide spawn limit instead.
   # Max is 100
   wateranimalspawnlimit: 15

   # Villager limit - this is per team player, so an island of 4 will have 4x this number
   # Note that 10 villagers minimum are required to create an iron farm. Zero is unlimited.
   villagerlimit: 0

   # General entity limiting
   # Use this section to limit how many entities can be added to an island.
   # 0 means the item will be blocked from placement completely.
   # Uncomment to set the limit. The numbers are just suggested values.
   # The limit is per-world, so a hopper limit of 30 means up to 30 in the overworld and
   # up to 30 in the nether.
     # Mobs, animals and other living entities
     #BAT: 10
     #BLAZE: 10
     #BOAT: 10
     #CAVE_SPIDER: 10
     #CHICKEN: 10
     #COW: 10
     #CREEPER: 10
     #DONKEY: 10
     #ENDERMAN: 10
     #HORSE: 10
     #HUSK: 10
     #IRON_GOLEM: 10
     #LLAMA: 10
     #MAGMA_CUBE: 10
     #MULE: 10
     #MUSHROOM_COW: 10
     #OCELOT: 10
     #PIG: 10
     #PIG_ZOMBIE: 10
     #POLAR_BEAR: 10
     #RABBIT: 10
     #SHEEP: 10
     #SKELETON: 10
     #SLIME: 10
     #SNOWMAN: 10
     #SPIDER: 10
     #SQUID: 10
     #STRAY: 10
     #WITCH: 10
     #WITHER: 10
     #WOLF: 10
     #ZOMBIE: 10
     #ZOMBIE_HORSE: 10
     #ZOMBIE_VILLAGER: 10     
     # These are the ONLY blocks that can be limited (because they are entities).
     #BANNER: 20
     #ITEM_FRAME: 30
     #FURNACE: 10
     #CHEST: 50
     #ENDER_CHEST: 1
     #JUKEBOX: 5
     #DISPENSER: 5
     #DROPPER: 5
     #SIGN: 10
     #MOB_SPAWNER: 10
     #NOTE_BLOCK: 5
     #BEACON: 12
     #SKULL: 50
     #HOPPER: 30
     #FLOWER_POT: 20
     #PAINTING: 5
     #ARMOR_STAND: 5

   # Islands below this level will be removed if they are abandoned and admins issue the purge command
   abandonedislandlevel: 15

   ##### Economy ######
   # Use economy or not. If true, an economy plugin is required. If false,
   # no money is used or give and the mini-shop is disabled.
   # If there is no economy plugin present anyway, money will be automatically
   # disabled.
   useeconomy: true

   # Reset Money - if this is true, will reset the player's money to
   # the starting money (see below) when they start an island or reset
   # Recommendation is that this is set to true, but if you run multi-worlds
   # make sure your economy handles multi-worlds too.
   resetmoney: false

   # Use the minishop or not
   useminishop: false

   # Starting money - this is how much money new players will have as their
   # balance at the start of an island. 
   startingmoney: 10.00

   # Reset Challenges - if this is true, player's challenges will reset when they
   # reset an island or if they are kicked or leave a team. Prevents exploiting the
   # challenges by doing them repeatedly.
   resetchallenges: true

   # Reset inventory - if true, the player's inventory will be cleared when they start
   # or restart and island. Default is true.
   # Note: if you have MultiInv running or a similar inventory control plugin, that
   # plugin may still reset the inventory when the world changes.
   resetinventory: true

   # Allow kicked players to keep their inventory.
   # If false, kicked player's inventory will be thrown at the island leader if the
   # kicked player is online and in the island world.
   kickedkeepinv: false

   # Kicked or leaving players lose resets
   # Players who leave a team will lose an island reset chance
   # If a player has zero resets left and leaves a team, they cannot make a new
   # island by themselves and can only join a team.
   # Leave this true to avoid players exploiting free islands
   leaversloseresets: true

   # Reset Ender Chest - if true, the player's Ender Chest will be cleared when they
   # start or restart their island. Default is false.
   # NOTE: Ender Chests span worlds, so it will clear ALL chests. In general,
   # Enderchests should not be allowed in ASkyblock unless you only run the ASkyblock
   # world. Ender Chest crafting and use is governed by the askyblock.craft.enderchest
   # permission.
   resetenderchest: false

   # Allow /island teleport when falling. If set to false, all teleporting is
   # disabled until death from the void or until you hit something.
   # See commands that this will block too
   # Using "*" (with quotes) will block ALL commands when falling
   allowfallingteleport: true
   - home
   #- anotherCommand
   #- andAnotherOne
   #- "*"

   # Broadcast 1st time challenge completion messages to all players.
   # Change to false if the spam becomes too much.
   broadcastmessages: true

   # Remove non-repeatable challenges from the challenge GUI when complete
   removecompleteonetimechallenges: false

   # Add enchanted glow to completed challenges
   addcompletedglow: true

   # Default maximum number of homes a player can have. Min = 1
   # Accessed via sethome <number> or go <number>
   # Use this permission to set for specific user groups: askyblock.island.maxhomes.<number>  
   maxhomes: 1

   # Make island if player teleports to the island world and does not have one
   makeislandifnone: false

   # Immediately teleport player to their island (home 1 if it exists) when 
   # entering the world
   immediateteleport: false

   # Have player's respawn on their island if they die
   respawnonisland: false

   # Team Chat
   # This enables player to set is so their chat goes to their team mates only
   # using the /island teamchat command.
   # The prefix [Team Chat] that goes in front of team chats is in the locale files
   teamchat: true

   # Set this to true will log all messages sent in TeamChats to console
   # If set to false, it won't be logged.
   logteamchat: true

   # Variables to use as chat prefixes. You can change them to be what you want.
   # {ISLAND_LEVEL} is replaced by the player's island level.
   # {ISLAND_CHALLENGE_LEVEL} is replaced by the player's challenge level.
   # {ISLAND_PLAYER} is replaced by the player's display name
   # Confirmed to work with Essentials Chat, Multiverse Core and Herochat.
   # Do not use these in PEX prefixes - it doesn't work.
   chatlevelprefix: "{ISLAND_LEVEL}"
   chatchallengelevelprefix: "{ISLAND_CHALLENGE_LEVEL}"
   chatislandplayer: "{ISLAND_PLAYER}"
   # Displays the island level {ISLAND_LEVEL} with a XX.Xk pattern in chat
   # e.g : [23.5k] instead of [23562]
   fancylevelinchat: false

   # Restrict Wither and other flying mobs
   # Any flying mobs that exit the island space where they were spawned will be removed.
   # Includes blaze and ghast. 
   restrictwither: true

   # Warp Restriction - needed levels to be able to create a warp
   # 0 or negative values will disable this restriction
   # 10 is default
   warplevelrestriction: 100

   # Warp panel - GUI for welcome warp signs. If set to false, old-style
   # text will be used
   usewarppanel: true

   # Mute death messages
   mutedeathmessages: false

   # How often the grid will be saved to file in mins. Default is 5 minutes.
   # This helps prevent issues if the server crashes. Grid is also saved at important
   # points in the game
   backupduration: 5

   # Allow pushing - only applicable in 1.9 and above. Setting is for all worlds!
   # If you have another scoreboard plugin, it may not work.
   # If true, players can push each other (default 1.9 behavior) if false,
   # players will not be able to push. Recommendation is to leave this true.
   allowpushing: true

   # Recover super flat - if the generator does not run for some reason, you can get
   # super flat chunks (grass). To remove automatically, select this option. Turn off
   # if there are no more because it may cause lag.
   # This will regenerate any chunks with bedrock at y=0 when they are loaded
   recoversuperflat: false

   # Allow coops to be permanent
   # If you change this, change the text in the locale files about coop ending due to
   # log out.
   persistentcoops: false

   # Only allow the island leader to coop players.
   # Island members wont be able to coop other players.
   onlyleadercancoop: false

   # Allow FTB Autonomous Activator to work (will allow a pseudo player [CoFH] to place and break blocks and hang items)
   autoactivator: false

   # Allow obsidian to be scooped up with an empty bucket back into lava
   # This only works if there is a single block of obsidian (no obsidian within 10 blocks)
   # Recommendation is to keep this true so that newbies don't bother you or reset their
   # island unnecessarily.
   allowobsidianscooping: true

   # By default, island top ten (/is top) is displayed as a GUI.
   # If this option is set to TRUE, the top ten will be displayed
   # in chat, like in older versions (up to V3.0.3.3), which can
   # be a little spammy.
   # Recommendation is to keep this false.
   islandtopteninchat: false

   # Toggle Magic Cobblestone Generator
   # If set to true, a cobble generator will not just generate cobblestone, but
   # also blocks you have specified.
   # Default is false, because it highly changes the gameplay.
   usemagiccobblegen: false

   # If set to true, Magic Cobblestone Generator will only work at spawn
   # Beware! Spawn MUST be in the same world that islands to work.
   magiccobblegenonlyatspawn: false

   # This won't be considered if usemagiccobblegen is set to false.
   # You can add, remove a block or modify its probability to be generated.
   # You can also set different probabilities from specified minimum levels
     # These probabilities will apply by default
       COBBLESTONE: 75.0
       STONE: 10.0
       COAL_ORE: 7.5
       IRON_ORE: 5.0
       DIAMOND_ORE: 2.0
       EMERALD_ORE: 0.5
     #These probabilities will apply if island level is higher than 500.
       COBBLESTONE: 50.0
       STONE: 20.0
       COAL_ORE: 10.0
       IRON_ORE: 10.0
       REDSTONE_ORE: 5.0
       DIAMOND_ORE: 4.0
       EMERALD_ORE: 1.0

   # Disable redstone operation on islands unless a team member is online.
   # This may reduce lag but it can cause problems with visitors needing to use a redstone system.
   # Default is false
   disableofflineredstone: false

   # Config.yml version. DO NOT EDIT. This number only changes if the latest
   # plugin config has been updated. If a new config is detected, it will be
   # auto-saved to config.new.yml.
   version: 3.0.6

# Protection settings
   # Protection Setting Flags:
   # Players can be given the ability to change settings in the GUI with permissions
   # e.g. askyblock.settings.PVP or all settings with askyblock.settings.*
   # Permissions are CASE SENSITIVE!
   # -- World defaults --
   # Applies everywhere and are the default for islands and spawn.
   # If not listed, default is false.
   # Changing a setting here will only affect new islands. Use /asadmin settingsreset
   # to reset individual or all settings across all islands. See /asadmin settingsreset help.
     # Acid causes damage above sea-level (if acid is active)
     ACID_DAMAGE: true
     # Allow anvil use
     ANVIL: false
     # Allow armor stand use (1.8+ only)
     ARMOR_STAND: false
     # Allow beacon use
     BEACON: false
     # Allow bed use
     BED: false
     # Players can break blocks or generally damage things
     BREAK_BLOCKS: false
     # Allow animal breeding
     BREEDING: false
     # Allow use of cauldrons and brewing stands
     BREWING: false
     # Allow use of buckets, either fill or dump them
     BUCKET: false
     # Collect Lava (overrides BUCKET setting for collecting lava)
     COLLECT_LAVA: false
     # Collect water (overrides BUCKET setting for collecting water)
     COLLECT_WATER: false
     # Allow access chests of any kind, droppers, dispensers and hoppers
     CHEST: false
     # Allow eating or use of chorus fruit
     CHORUS_FRUIT: false
     # Allow use of crafting benches
     CRAFTING: true
     # Allow creepers to hurt players (but not damage blocks)
     CREEPER_PAIN: true
     # Allow crop trampling
     CROP_TRAMPLE: false
     # Allow use of doors or trapdoors. Not including redstone activations.
     DOOR: true
     # Allow chicken egg throwing
     EGGS: false
     # Allow use of enchanting tables
     ENCHANTING: true
     # Allow enderpearl throwing
     ENDER_PEARL: false
     # Enable or disable join/leave messages from the player's island
     # Allow fire (flint & steel use, TNT priming) Making portals is allowed.
     FIRE: false
     # Can extinguish fires by punching them
     # Allow fire spreading
     FIRE_SPREAD: false
     # Allow furnace use
     FURNACE: true
     # Allow gate use
     GATE: false
     # Allow horse/llama inventory use - only works when riding is enabled     
     # Allow riding of horses/llamas
     HORSE_RIDING: false
     # Allow friendly mob hurting(cows etc.)
     HURT_MOBS: true
     # Allow monsters hurting
     HURT_MONSTERS: true
     # Allow leash use
     LEASH: false
     # Allow lever or button use
     LEVER_BUTTON: true
     # Cows can be milked
     MILKING: true
     # Animals, etc. can spawn naturally
     MOB_SPAWN: true
     # Allow monsters to spawn naturally
     MONSTER_SPAWN: true
     # Allow use of jukeboxes and note blocks
     MUSIC: false
     # Allow PVP in the nether world
     NETHER_PVP: false
     # Players can place blocks
     PLACE_BLOCKS: false
     # Allow portal use
     PORTAL: true
     # Allow pressure plate activation by players
     # Allow PVP in the overworld
     PVP: true
     # Allow adjustment of diodes or comparators
     REDSTONE: false
     # Spawn eggs can be used
     SPAWN_EGGS: false
     # Allow sheep shearing
     SHEARING: true
     # Allow trading with villagers
     # Allow item drop
     # Allow item pickup
   # -- Island Settings --
   # Settings for islands. Some are for visitors, some for the island itself.
   # If setting is not listed, it will not show in GUI and the world default will be used.
   # Add settings here to give the player the ability to see them in the GUI. Give the
   # player the permission for the setting for them to be able to change the setting.
     # Allow visitor anvil use
     ANVIL: true
     # Allow visitor armor stand use (1.8+ only)
     ARMOR_STAND: false
     # Allow visitor beacon use
     BEACON: false
     # Allow visitor bed use
     BED: false
     # Allow visitor block breaking, or other damage
     BREAK_BLOCKS: false
     # Allow visitor animal breeding
     BREEDING: false
     # Allow visitor use of cauldrons and brewing stands
     BREWING: false
     # Allow visitor access chests of any kind, droppers, dispensers and hoppers
     CHEST: false
     # Allow visitors to use crafting benches
     CRAFTING: true
     # Allow visitor use of doors or trapdoors. Not including redstone activations.
     DOOR: true
     # Allow visitor chicken egg throwing
     EGGS: false
     # Allow visitors to use enchanting tables
     ENCHANTING: true
     # Allow visitor furnace use
     FURNACE: false
     # Allow use of jukeboxes and note blocks
     MUSIC: false
     # Allow portal use by visitors
     PORTAL: true
     # Allow pressure plate activation by visitors (players only)
     PRESSURE_PLATE: false
     # Allow adjustment of diodes or comparators
     REDSTONE: false
     # Allow visitors to shear sheep
     SHEARING: false

# This section contains the biomes that can be bought or used
  # The default cost for changing biome. Can be over-ridden by the Biome settings
  # Default is 100 if this is not set. Cannot be <0.
  defaultcost: 100

  # Default biome - what every player will start with. Default is PLAINS. See below
  # for other options
  defaultbiome: PLAINS

# List of biomes and their settings.
# Cost - cost in currency to change to that biome
# permission - the permission required to use that biome
# If the biome is not listed, it is not available
# icon = icon used in control panel
# friendlyname = A friendly name for the biome. If it does not exist, the official
# biome name will be used with pretty formatting. Mostly this is just used to convert
# Hell to Nether
# description = a description of the biome and what it gives the player
# remove ice/water/snow - will be done once when the biome is made

    icon: SAPLING
    friendlyname: "&bCold &eBeach"
    description: "&bSnowy and cold.|&bBrrr."
    icon: DEAD_BUSH
    friendlyname: "&eDesert"
    description: "&eA dry desert.|&eWarning - Ice or|&esnow have to go."
    icon: RED_ROSE
    cost: 10000
    friendlyname: "&aFlower Forest"
    description: "Trees and flowers!"
    icon: LAVA_BUCKET
    cost: 100000
    friendlyname: "&cNether"
    description: "&eWarning - all water,|&esnow and ice will|&ebe removed."
    icon: VINE
    friendlyname: "&2Jungle"
    description: "&aLush jungle.|&aWarning - Ice or|&asnow have to go."
    icon: RED_MUSHROOM
    friendlyname: "&cMushroom island"
    description: "&cMushrooms"
    icon: GRASS
    description: Plain plains!
    icon: WATER_LILY
    friendlyname: "&eSwampland"
    description: "&2Swampy.|&eWarning - Ice or|&esnow have to go."
    icon: HARD_CLAY
    friendlyname: "&eMesa"
    description: "&4Rare dry, desert biome.|&4Warning - Ice or|&4snow have to go."
    cost: 50000
    icon: LONG_GRASS
    friendlyname: "&eSavanna"
    description: "&eFlat and dry, no rain.|&eWarning - Ice or|&esnow have to go."
    icon: LOG
    friendlyname: "&l&eBlack Forest"
    description: "&6Woods and trees"

   # All schematics should be put in the schematics folder

   # Schematic panel - if more than one schematic is available to the player
   # Show a panel to choose. If this is false, no panel is shown and the starter 
   # island is picked by permission. If a player has more than one permission
   # the island selected is undefined - the plugin will pick one.
   # Permissions are taken from the below schematics section even if the GUI is
   # not used.
  useschematicspanel: true

   # Random island, only apply when useschematicspanel is false - if set to false
   # the plugin will choose the first island it found with the user permissions
   # to generate a new island. If set to true, the plugin will generate an island
   # randomly from the list of all islands available to the player.
  chooseislandrandomly: false

  # Hack skeleton spawners to also spawn wither skeletons in 1.11. This helps with
  # older schematics that do not have explicit wither skeleton spawners. This setting
  # is ignored by older servers.
  hackskeletonspawners: false

  # This section lists all the schematics available
  # Settings are:
  # show - whether this island will show in the GUI or not. Typically used for partner
  #        schematics, but can be used to temporarily hide schematics.
  # icon - the icon to show in the GUI. It must be a known Material
  # order - the priority for showing in the GUI. Lower numbers are shown first.
  # name - a friendly short name for the schematic. Color codes okay.
  # description - a longer description. Use | to split lines. Color codes okay.
  # filename - the filename of the schematic in the schematic folder
  # useDefaultChest - fill a chest on the island with the items in this config. If false
  #                   the contents will come from the schematic.
  # partnerSchematic - the island that will be pasted in the Nether.
  # biome - the biome this island should have. All pasted blocks will have this biome.
  # These next settings may cause lag if true. Default is false. Use judiciously.
  # pasteentities - if the schematic has entities in it (mobs) this will paste them.
  # usephysics - if true, causes lava or water to flow after being pasted.
  # pasteair - Only set to true if you need to paste below sea level.
  # permission - the permission required to use this schematic. It can be anything you like
  # You can add or remove from this list. If this section is missing, only the default
  # island works.
    # default heading is required
      # Icon - if this is missing or wrong, it will be a MAP
      icon: DIRT
      # Order of preference in listing
      order: 1
      # Short name - color codes with & okay
      name: "The Original"
      # Longer description. Use | for new lines. Color codes okay.
      description: "Challenging|starter|island!"
      # Filename of the schematic in the schematic folder
      filename: island.schematic
      # Use default chest if true, or use schematic chest contents if false
      useDefaultChest: true
      # Which schematic will be used in the opposite world if newnether:true
      # If there is no partner, this island will be used
      partnerSchematic: nether
      #Level handicap zeros the initial island level. 
      levelHandicap: 3

    # This is the default nether island - do not remove this section!
      # Hide or show this schematic to players in the GUI
      show: false
      icon: NETHERRACK
      # If the biome is HELL it is assumed this island goes in the Nether
      biome: HELL
      name: "NetherBlock Island"
      description: "An island in the nether|overlooked by a mob tower"
      filename: nether.schematic
      # Nether schematics should generally use the schematic chest contents
      useDefaultChest: false
      # The partner to this schematic is the default island
      partnerSchematic: default
      # Schematics can include entities (mobs) in them and if pasteentities is true,
      # mobs will be pasted. 
      pasteentities: true
      # Usephysics causes lava or water to flow after being pasted. Change to false
      # if it lags
      usephysics: true
      #Level handicap zeros the initial island level. 
      levelHandicap: 93

    # Additional heading names can be anything you like, but must be unique
      # Credit to Antal1609 for this schematic!
      icon: RED_ROSE
      order: 2
      name: "Island Duo"
      description: "Two close islands!|Double the fun,|but a little easier.|&a[Credit] Antal1609"
      filename: double.schematic
      # Schematics can have biomes set when they are created
      biome: FOREST
      # If useDefaultChest is false, the items in the schematic will be used
      # If false, the default chest items will be used, or the list below
      useDefaultChest: true
      # Chest items defined here will override the default chest items.
      # You can set the chest items here in this list
      # Material:Qty, or Material:Data:Qty
      #- MELON:1
      #- ICE:1
      # Your island companion. Overrides the default setting. If more than one is
      # listed, one will be chosen at random.
      # RABBIT, WOLF or NOTHING. Default is COW.
      - CHICKEN 
      # This is a list of names, picked at random that will apply to the companion
      # You can add more if you like. If none are listed, the companion will not be
      # named.
      - "&9[player]'s chicken"
      - "&dFree-Range Eggs"
      partnerSchematic: nether
      #permission: any.perm.you.like
      #Level handicap zeros the initial island level. 
      levelHandicap: 9
      # Cost - if an economy is in use, this can be used to require a fee
      # Only works with the schematic panel
      # The cost is a double and displayed in the description if [cost] is there
      cost: 0

    # New snowy schematic
      icon: OBSIDIAN
      order: 3
      # Ski theme - a black diamond run is hard.
      name: "&lBlack &bDiamonds"
      description: "Experts only!|&aMinimal resources|&awith a few diamonds."
      filename: harder.schematic
      biome: COLD_BEACH
      useDefaultChest: false
      # Chest items defined here will override the default chest items.
      # You can set the chest items here in this list
      # Material:Qty, or Material:Data:Qty
      #- MELON:1
      #- ICE:1
      # Schematics that require water or lava to hover can prevent physics when pasting
      usephysics: false
      # Schematics may include entities (mobs) in them and if pasteentities is true,
      # mobs will be pasted.
      # Example: Setting this to true for this schematic will give a wolf.
      pasteentities: false
      partnerSchematic: nether
      #permission: any.perm.you.like
      # This optional block determines where the player will spawn. It must be unique in
      # the schematic and will be replaced by air when pasted.
      #spawnblock: SPONGE
      #Level handicap zeros the initial island level. 
      levelHandicap: 1
      # Cost - if an economy is in use, this can be used to require a fee
      # Only works with the schematic panel
      # The cost is a double and displayed in the description if [cost] is there
      cost: 0
tastybento commented 7 years ago

Being able to click to change settings is purely defined by permissions. Double check you have the **askyblock.settings.*** permission. Even if you are Op, you will need this permission to change settings. I tried with your files, but everything works okay on my server.

L4BORG commented 7 years ago

Oh I see, didn't knew OPs won't get those permissions by default...

my bad. If I give out askyblock.settings.* to players in order to allow them edit island settings, how can I control who can edit spawn settings?

From what I saw so far only OPs can edit spawn settings? But I'm not sure.

Maybe adding askyblock.settings.* to admin permissions-pack would be good idea.

tastybento commented 7 years ago

Yes, I think you're ready right. Only Ops can set spawn settings right now. Let's make some adjustments.