tastyigniter / TastyIgniter

:fire: Powerful, yet easy to use, open-source online ordering, table reservation and management system for restaurants
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Update Error when a child theme exists #434

Closed SupperDog closed 4 years ago

SupperDog commented 4 years ago

Expected behavior: Updates can be checked.

Actual behavior: Update shows error "Server responded with error: Server error try again" if a child theme was created.

Reproduce steps: Create a child theme, then check update.

Version: 3.0.4.beta.22.1

Additional Information: Server returns the following result {"status_code":500,"message":"The items.10.name format is invalid.","errors":{"items.10.name":["The items.10.name format is invalid."]}}

sampoyigi commented 4 years ago

What is the name and code of the child theme?

SupperDog commented 4 years ago

Orange Theme [child] tastyigniter-orange-fl8

Which are generated automatically and can't be changed.

sampoyigi commented 4 years ago

Which are generated automatically and can't be changed.

Right, lol. The issue has been fixed.

SupperDog commented 4 years ago

It can check update now but when actually update it still show server error. Seems server just return '1'? Not quite sure.

sampoyigi commented 4 years ago

Got that working now. Please close the other solved issues :)