Closed SupperDog closed 4 years ago
What is the name and code of the child theme?
Orange Theme [child] tastyigniter-orange-fl8
Which are generated automatically and can't be changed.
Which are generated automatically and can't be changed.
Right, lol. The issue has been fixed.
It can check update now but when actually update it still show server error. Seems server just return '1'? Not quite sure.
Got that working now. Please close the other solved issues :)
Expected behavior: Updates can be checked.
Actual behavior: Update shows error "Server responded with error: Server error try again" if a child theme was created.
Reproduce steps: Create a child theme, then check update.
Version: 3.0.4.beta.22.1
Additional Information: Server returns the following result {"status_code":500,"message":"The format is invalid.","errors":{"":["The format is invalid."]}}