tastyware / tastytrade

An unofficial Python SDK for Tastytrade!
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Special Characters in Password Causes Invalid Credentials Error #122

Closed Ressnn closed 5 months ago

Ressnn commented 5 months ago

Having an "@" and a "!" in a password the causes following error:

validate_response(response)  # throws exception if not 200
  File "C:\ProgramData\mambaforge\lib\site-packages\tastytrade\utils.py", line 47, in validate_response
    raise TastytradeError(error_message)
tastytrade.utils.TastytradeError: invalid_credentials: Invalid login, please check your username and password. Unique customer support identifier:
Graeme22 commented 5 months ago

I highly doubt the problem is special characters in your password. Have you tried:

Ressnn commented 5 months ago

You are right, it was likely something else. Last night, I created the issue because I was getting login errors until I changed my password to one that didn't have special characters. When I changed it back to one with special characters, I got login errors again. However, I can't recreate it as of this morning.