tatethurston / nextjs-routes

Type safe routing for Next.js
MIT License
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`No exported member named 'Route'` #171

Closed mosnicholas closed 10 months ago

mosnicholas commented 10 months ago

One of my lint-staged commands runs: tsc-files --noEmit --incremental false. I keep running into this error:

components/InternalLink.tsx(7,15): error TS2724: '"nextjs-routes"' has no exported member named 'Route'. Did you mean 'route'?

The file InternalLink simple imports Routes like so:

import type { Route } from 'nextjs-routes';

Is this something easily fixed?

tatethurston commented 10 months ago

@mosnicholas can you share your nextjs-routes.d.ts?

It sounds like that file is not being found by your typechecking.

mosnicholas commented 10 months ago

(note: i've removed the routes, but here's the file).

// This file will be automatically regenerated when your Next.js server is running.
// nextjs-routes version: 1.0.8
/* eslint-disable */

// prettier-ignore
declare module "nextjs-routes" {
  import type {
    GetServerSidePropsContext as NextGetServerSidePropsContext,
    GetServerSidePropsResult as NextGetServerSidePropsResult
  } from "nextjs";

  export type Route =
    | StaticRoute<"/404">
    | StaticRoute<"/api/add-quant-row">
    | ...
    | StaticRoute<"/api/webhooks/stripe">
    | StaticRoute<"/">
    | StaticRoute<"/login">
    | ...
    | DynamicRoute<"/project/[id]", { "id": string }>
    | StaticRoute<"/settings">;

  interface StaticRoute<Pathname> {
    pathname: Pathname;
    query?: Query | undefined;
    hash?: string | null | undefined;

  interface DynamicRoute<Pathname, Parameters> {
    pathname: Pathname;
    query: Parameters & Query;
    hash?: string | null | undefined;

  interface Query {
    [key: string]: string | string[] | undefined;

  export type RoutedQuery<P extends Route["pathname"]> = Extract<
    { pathname: P }

  export type Locale = undefined;

   * A typesafe utility function for generating paths in your application.
   * route({ pathname: "/foos/[foo]", query: { foo: "bar" }}) will produce "/foos/bar".
  export declare function route(r: Route): string;

   * Nearly identical to GetServerSidePropsContext from next, but further narrows
   * types based on nextjs-route's route data.
  export type GetServerSidePropsContext<
    Pathname extends Route["pathname"] = Route["pathname"],
    Preview extends NextGetServerSidePropsContext["previewData"] = NextGetServerSidePropsContext["previewData"]
  > = Omit<NextGetServerSidePropsContext, 'params' | 'query' | 'defaultLocale' | 'locale' | 'locales'> & {
    params: Extract<Route, { pathname: Pathname }>["query"];
    query: Query;
    defaultLocale?: undefined;
    locale?: Locale;
    locales?: undefined;

   * Nearly identical to GetServerSideProps from next, but further narrows
   * types based on nextjs-route's route data.
  export type GetServerSideProps<
    Props extends { [key: string]: any } = { [key: string]: any },
    Pathname extends Route["pathname"] = Route["pathname"],
    Preview extends NextGetServerSideProps["previewData"] = NextGetServerSideProps["previewData"]
  > = (
    context: GetServerSidePropsContext<Pathname, Preview>
  ) => Promise<NextGetServerSidePropsResult<Props>>

// prettier-ignore
declare module "next/link" {
  import type { Route } from "nextjs-routes";
  import type { LinkProps as NextLinkProps } from "next/dist/client/link";
  import type {
  } from "react";
  export * from "next/dist/client/link";

  type StaticRoute = Exclude<Route, { query: any }>["pathname"];

  export interface LinkProps
    extends Omit<NextLinkProps, "href" | "locale">,
      AnchorHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement> {
    href: Route | StaticRoute | Omit<Route, "pathname">
    locale?: false;

  type LinkReactElement = DetailedReactHTMLElement<
      onMouseEnter?: MouseEventHandler<Element> | undefined;
      onClick: MouseEventHandler;
      href?: string | undefined;
      ref?: any;

  declare function Link(props: PropsWithChildren<LinkProps>): LinkReactElement;

  export default Link;

// prettier-ignore
declare module "next/router" {
  import type { Locale, Route, RoutedQuery } from "nextjs-routes";
  import type { NextRouter as Router } from "next/dist/client/router";
  export * from "next/dist/client/router";
  export { default } from "next/dist/client/router";

  type NextTransitionOptions = NonNullable<Parameters<Router["push"]>[2]>;
  type StaticRoute = Exclude<Route, { query: any }>["pathname"];

  interface TransitionOptions extends Omit<NextTransitionOptions, "locale"> {
    locale?: false;

  export type NextRouter<P extends Route["pathname"] = Route["pathname"]> =
    Extract<Route, { pathname: P }> &
        | "push"
        | "replace"
        | "locale"
        | "locales"
        | "defaultLocale"
        | "domainLocales"
      > & {
        defaultLocale?: undefined;
        domainLocales?: undefined;
        locale?: Locale;
        locales?: undefined;
          url: Route | StaticRoute | Omit<Route, "pathname">,
          as?: string,
          options?: TransitionOptions
        ): Promise<boolean>;
          url: Route | StaticRoute | Omit<Route, "pathname">,
          as?: string,
          options?: TransitionOptions
        ): Promise<boolean>;
        route: P;

  export function useRouter<P extends Route["pathname"]>(): NextRouter<P>;
tatethurston commented 10 months ago

That’s correct. This is not a problem with this library, but something with your local setup.

tatethurston commented 10 months ago

I’m not familiar with tsc-files, but it may be an issue with that tool. Can you reproduce the issue with tsc?

mosnicholas commented 10 months ago

@tatethurston i'll close this issue, thanks for the help. It seems they are overriding the include array in tsc-files (https://github.com/gustavopch/tsc-files/blob/master/cli.js#L49-L57), which means we don't see these type definitions and it causes the checks to fail : (. will try and resolve with them.

tatethurston commented 10 months ago

Thanks @mosnicholas !