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omnibar functionality #91

Open josefmonje opened 7 years ago

josefmonje commented 7 years ago

Just a feature suggestion. Might also need settings for search engines and to have at least one as default for feature to work. Then you can w3m google in terminal or shift + U then google within w3m and it will still work. <3 w3m

Thank you! :)

Moult commented 5 years ago

+1. Something like smart keywords would be great too. For example, typing "ddg foo" will search duckduckgo with the string "foo", just like how it works in elinks.

gotbletu commented 3 years ago

think this might fit what you are asking for videodemo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bWlPpacFPlI note: you can use spaces in address bar now

https://github.com/gotbletu/shownotes/blob/master/w3m_plugins/cgi-bin/search_engines.cgi e.g search duckduckgo Shift + U then dd:cool linux wallpapers

or from commandline w3m dd:archlinux w3m "gg:linux mint iso download"

else if you want to use it with surfraw https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p5NZb8f8AHA

gotbletu commented 2 years ago

heres a better way to have omnibar https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77qhjaoj_2k