tatsuyafw / gulp-nightwatch

gulp plugin for Nightwatch.js
MIT License
30 stars 18 forks source link

Environment is ignored if tags and environment both are used #22

Open sharadJay opened 9 years ago

sharadJay commented 9 years ago

I see that environment used is default if tag is provided in cli arguments section. I have tried running same combination using nightwatch and it runs perfectly fine.

tatsuyafw commented 9 years ago

Hi @sharadJay .

Hmm... In my environment, it did not reproduce the problem..

Could you try the following examples? https://github.com/tatsuyafw/gulp-nightwatch/tree/master/examples.

I want to know the result of withCliArgs:array task.

sharadJay commented 9 years ago

Nope I did not find any success. Following is my gulpfile

var gulp = require('gulp');
var rimraf = require('rimraf');
nightwatch = require('gulp-nightwatch');

gulp.task('cleanReports', function (cb) {

    rimraf('./reports', cb);

            configFile: 'nightwatch.json',
            cliArgs: [ '--env US', '--tag sample' ]

and I have environment setup like this in my nightwatch config:-

"default" : {
      "launch_url" : "http://www.google.com",
      "selenium_port"  : 4444,
      "selenium_host"  : "localhost",
      "silent": true,
      "screenshots" : {
        "enabled" : false,
        "path" : "/screenshots"
      "desiredCapabilities": {
        "browserName": "phantomjs",
        "javascriptEnabled": true,
        "acceptSslCerts": true,
        "phantomjs.binary.path" : "node_modules/resources/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs",
        "phantomjs.cli.args": "--webdriver=5558 --webdriver-selenium-grid-hub=http://localhost:4444"
   "US" : {
      "launch_url" :  "http://www.google.com",
      "selenium_port"  : 4444,
      "selenium_host"  : "localhost",
      "silent": true,
      "screenshots" : {
        "enabled" : true,
        "path" : "/screenshots"
      "desiredCapabilities": {
        "browserName": "chrome",
        "javascriptEnabled": true,
        "acceptSslCerts": true

I was hoping test with tag sample starts on chrome as on US environment but tests are started on default i.e. phantomjs

tatsuyafw commented 9 years ago

Um, I've run gulp task using your nightwatch.json, gulpfile.js. and the test worked fine. Of course on Chrome.


var gulp = require('gulp');
var nightwatch = require('gulp-nightwatch');

      configFile: 'nightwatch.json',
      cliArgs: [ '--env US', '--tag sample' ]


module.exports = {
  tags: [ 'sample' ],
  'Demo google test': function(browser) {


  "src_folders" : [ "tests" ],
  "output_folder"  : "reports",
  "custom_commands_path" : "",
  "custom_assertions_path" : "",
  "globals_path" : "",

  "selenium" : {
    "start_process" : false,
    "server_path" : "",
    "log_path" : "",
    "host" : "",
    "port" : 4444,
    "cli_args" : {
      "webdriver.chrome.driver" : "",
      "webdriver.ie.driver" : ""
  "test_settings" : {
    "default" : {
      "launch_url" : "http://www.google.com",
      "selenium_port"  : 4444,
      "selenium_host"  : "localhost",
      "silent": true,
      "screenshots" : {
        "enabled" : false,
        "path" : "/screenshots"
      "desiredCapabilities": {
        "browserName": "phantomjs",
        "javascriptEnabled": true,
        "acceptSslCerts": true,
        "phantomjs.binary.path" : "node_modules/resources/phantomjs/bin/phantomjs",
        "phantomjs.cli.args": "--webdriver=5558 --webdriver-selenium-grid-hub=http://localhost:4444"
    "US" : {
      "launch_url" :  "http://www.google.com",
      "selenium_port"  : 4444,
      "selenium_host"  : "localhost",
      "silent": true,
      "screenshots" : {
        "enabled" : true,
        "path" : "/screenshots"
      "desiredCapabilities": {
        "browserName": "chrome",
        "javascriptEnabled": true,
        "acceptSslCerts": true

And, command line outputs.

$ gulp SampleTest
[22:02:19] Using gulpfile ~/tmp/sandbox/gulpfile.js
[22:02:19] Starting 'SampleTest'...
[22:02:19] Finished 'SampleTest' after 5.95 ms
[22:02:19] log file
[22:02:19] Starting nightwatch...

[Google Com] Test Suite

Running:  Demo google test
 ✔ Testing if the page title equals "Google".

OK. 1 assertions passed. (2.795s)


What version of gulp-nightwach are you using? I need a little more information.

sharadJay commented 9 years ago

I am using 0.2.2 version for gulp-nightwatch.