tattle-made / kosh-v2

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Write Kubernetes configuration file for deploying Kosh #27

Open dennyabrain opened 2 years ago

dennyabrain commented 2 years ago

Background context to the discussion can be found here - https://github.com/tattle-made/kosh-v2/discussions/8#discussion-3733675

For this scope, lets focus on deploying the following on kubernetes : For the current version : 1 : elasticsearch : to store and retrieve vectors and full text search 2 : rabbitmq : for queues 3 : flask server which expose certain ML features : this can be large (1-2 GBs) in terms of memory depending on the ML model loaded 4 : nodejs server : basic REST api, nothing special here.

dennyabrain commented 2 years ago

Some investigations need to be done on what are the best practices to run elasticsearch on kubernetes. Although elasticsearch requires running 3 nodes in production, I'd like to know if it can be run on a single node to begin with and scale the replica count up later as and when needed.