tatuylonen / wikitextprocessor

Python package for WikiMedia dump processing (Wiktionary, Wikipedia etc). Wikitext parsing, template expansion, Lua module execution. For data extraction, bulk syntax checking, error detection, and offline formatting.
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Can't parse link nodes contain newline character #266

Closed xxyzz closed 3 months ago

xxyzz commented 3 months ago

Page: https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/forswat Simplified Wikitext: [[a|b\nc]] Error message: https://kaikki.org/dictionary/All%20languages%20combined/errors/details--2--is-an-alias-of--year---cannot-spec-Q6~yILHj.html

The links regex at here https://github.com/tatuylonen/wikitextprocessor/blob/cdd76b208685d2e040e03a95a9ecde8e89390c68/src/wikitextprocessor/core.py#L160

can't match the [[a|b\nc]] link, @kristian-clausal could you please take a look of the regex? I'm not dare to change this pattern...

kristian-clausal commented 3 months ago

I'll take a look at it. Regex... :sob:

xxyzz commented 3 months ago

The interesting part is when I put this regex pattern on https://regex101.com, it would match [[a|b\nc]] but not in Python code. Not sure what's going on...

kristian-clausal commented 3 months ago

Can you paste what you tested on regex101? there's a couple of ? that need to removed after the MAGICAL characters.

I tested some variations on the link syntax in the Wiktionary sandbox:

[[test|testing this 1 ok]]

this 2 ok]]



this 3 ok


|testing this4 fails

testing this5 fails

You can't have newlines in the [[...name....| part of the url, but otherwise you can seemingly have as many newlines in the text portion.

kristian-clausal commented 3 months ago

I just took a deeper look at the regex and remembered that I wrote this horrible, horrible thing... Oh no.

xxyzz commented 3 months ago

I removed the nowiki magic number from the pattern, it's doesn't affect the result. Here is the pattern I tested on regex101: \[\[(((?!\]\])[^[\n])*(?!\[[\n]+\])((?!\[\[)[^]\n])+)\]\], it's basically the same pattern in our code. It also works with the PHP flavor, but doesn't match when using the Python re library.

kristian-clausal commented 3 months ago

I get this result (same with the Python option):

Screenshot at 2024-04-10 09-03-44

kristian-clausal commented 3 months ago

I think I have an error (other) in the regex:

    + r"((?!\]\])[^[\n])*(?!\[[\n]+\])((?!\[\[)[^]\n])+"
    #   ( no ]] ) ( no [ ) ( no [...] )( no [[) (no ])

should probably have been

    + r"((?!\]\])[^[\n])*(?!\[[^\n]+\])((?!\[\[)[^]\n])+"
    #   ( no ]] ) ( no [ ) ( no [...] )( no [[) (no ])

But this is unrelated to the current problem...

xxyzz commented 3 months ago

I use the "[[a|b\nc]]" test text on regex101, I guess the test sting on regex101 doesn't make "\n" a new line character...

Sorry for the distraction... I though maybe the pattern works but somehow only doesn't work in Python's re library.

kristian-clausal commented 3 months ago

I think I've got something...

(?<!\[)    # negative lookbehind, [[[ breaks the link completely, the whole thing is not parsed as a link or url
\[\[      # start brackets
    (?!\]\])    # negative lookahead, no ]] allowed
  )*    # no [ or newlines allowed
     (?!\[\[)   # no [[ allowed
     [^]\n]    # no ] or newlines
(\|  # after a |, newlines are allowed, the below is the same as above