tatuylonen / wiktextract

Wiktionary dump file parser and multilingual data extractor
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FYI: non-English editions data now available on https://kaikki.org (currently de, fr, es, ru, zh) #534

Open tatuylonen opened 4 months ago

tatuylonen commented 4 months ago

As you may have noticed, data from non-English editions is now available on kaikki.org (links on the front page).

The non-English edition extractions need more work, but please report problems as issues.

brishtibheja commented 2 months ago

Hey there, are you aware of kaikki to yomitan? They use the data extracted here to create dictionaries for use in Yomitan. Yomitan, a fork of Yomichan, enables language learners to instantly look up the meanings of words. Furthermore it also creates Anki cards for you so you can just focus on studying. Having said that, I contacted one of the persons maintaining KTY (kaikki to yomitan) to ask about the eng-jp versions but they have told me the data isn't available in kaikki. It would benefit me greatly if that was possible to extract for KTY. More specifically, he said

yes, kaikki only supports 6 wikt editions currently

I'm sorry if this is not the right place to ask, I'm not a dev and only use Github for reporting issues to the apps I use. I am aware of there being a place called "discussions" and I tried to find it but in vain.

xxyzz commented 2 months ago

We currently don't have plan to extract the Japanese Wiktionary but I think en to ja dictionary could be created by using the translation data from English Wiktionary.

And the discussions feature for this repo is not enabled.

kristian-clausal commented 2 months ago

To extract a wiktionary project, we need someone who is able to interpret and understand the original Wiktionary articles (that is, they should know at least some Japanese), and then they'd need to do the same kind of work with it that @xxyzz has done with the others, which is definitely not trivial as he can attest.

daxida commented 2 months ago


I'm considering contributing towards the Greek version. I understand that there are no current plans for other non-English languages, and I recognize that this would require a considerable amount of work, which I may not be able to fully commit to. Nonetheless, I would like to give it a try if that's acceptable.

I have only spent about an hour browsing the repository, but I couldn't find a clear roadmap or wiki outlining the necessary steps for this process. I'll wait for your response before diving in further. If it's feasible, I would appreciate some guidance on the direction I should take.

xxyzz commented 2 months ago

You could take a look of the code in the extractor folder, all extractors code start from the parse_page() in page.py file. How extractor code are written depends on the Wiktionary's wikitext page layout: https://el.wiktionary.org/wiki/Βικιλεξικό:Δομή_λημμάτων

once figure out the general page layout, next step is creating a file contains section title data then start extracting data in each section.

daxida commented 2 months ago

Thank you. This is a lot of new information for me to digest. As I hinted before, are there any plans to establish a roadmap for contributing to new languages? I'm having trouble figuring out what to do, in which order, and how to test the progress.

Also, I'm not sure if I should continue this conversation here or if I should start a new issue or discussion.

kristian-clausal commented 2 months ago

We don't have a roadmap because the process has mostly been Tatu originally creating the extractor for en.wiktionary, and which continued bit by bit for ages and still goes on, and now xxyzz has been working on creating the extractors for other languages; we should use his process as the basis of roadmap, but that's been on the backburner.

Go ahead with a new discussion (now that we've got them, Tatu enabled them recently).

brishtibheja commented 2 months ago

As I hinted before, are there any plans to establish a roadmap for contributing to new languages?

This would be really helpful for all of us. I also expect others to contribute to the project including the Japanese wikitionary.

empiriker commented 2 months ago

You might also want to take a look at the commits and the PRs where I lay the groundwork for the Spanish, German and Russian extractors.(Just filter by my user name)

This at least could give you a good idea of where to start and how to break it down into small steps.

Take this advice with a grain of salt though. While the "steps" should still be actionable to some extent, the code from back then almost certainly is not. As I understand, @xxyzz has done quite some work to improve and align the different extractors since then.

daxida commented 2 months ago

I actually already started doing that :D

I'm slowly trying to consume enough commits to get a clearer idea of the process.

If you will be so kind to chime in the related discussion and give a bit of feedback I (and I hope others in the same situation) would greatly appreciate it.