Open longjiang opened 3 years ago
Thanks so much for wiktextract. I've used the extracted data to create which will people learn thousands of languages. My own repo is
It would be great if wiktextract can extract Klingon words from Wiktionary's appendix, for example:
P.s. As for other conlangs like Sindarin and Quenya, there aren't a lot of words and I can easily extract them from one page myself
Thanks again for your awesome work!
Fyi currently my Klingon dictionary is using Klingonska
Thanks so much for wiktextract. I've used the extracted data to create which will people learn thousands of languages. My own repo is
It would be great if wiktextract can extract Klingon words from Wiktionary's appendix, for example:
P.s. As for other conlangs like Sindarin and Quenya, there aren't a lot of words and I can easily extract them from one page myself
Thanks again for your awesome work!