taumuon / Metro-Bullet

Demo of using the Bullet Physics Engine in a Windows 8 Metro DirectX 11 app
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Bullet physics + DirectXTK #2

Open squirrelfm opened 11 years ago

squirrelfm commented 11 years ago

Good day! I will be pleased if you will try to help me with directxtk + bullet problem.

I've developed directxtk demo with bullet and trying to build it for arm with vs 2012.

I got an error Error 1 error C2719: '_A': formal parameter with __declspec(align('16')) won't be aligned C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\include\xmmintrin.h 186 1 LinearMath

(there are something about 15000 errors of this kind)

Problem is passing aligned arguments by value to functions. I've tried to modify xmmintrin.h and emmintrin.h files deleting _CRT_ALIGNED attributes, but then I have unresolved externals on funtions defined in xmmintrin.h. (I'm using unmodified bullet source code)

I look forward to your advice.

Thank you.

taumuon commented 11 years ago

Hi, did you have any luck with this? Try defining BT_USE_DOUBLE_PRECISION.

Am attempting to build for arm / WP8 as I type...

rajatgithub commented 10 years ago

Define _WIN8_ARMSLOWDOWN while compiling will solve the problem.

taumuon commented 10 years ago

thanks Rajat!