Open GuicLuca opened 1 month ago
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Is this what you need?
Hey, I was about to try your previous response code haha ^^ No, this section of the documentation explains how to change the global tray icon. In my case, I need to update a MenuItem from the tray menu.
I'll try to do your previous response and rebuild the whole menu each time it's needed. ;) I'll tell you if it's works 👍
PS: Do you know why the feature of getting a tray-menu item was removed from the 1.x version to the 2.0? (I'm curious)
Hello, your suggestion (that was to rebuild the whole tray menu when an update is needed) works perfectly, but I can't stop thinking that the V1 system was a bit easier and more efficient ^^
Thank you very much for the answer. 👌
Hello, your suggestion (that was to rebuild the whole tray menu when an update is needed) works perfectly, but I can't stop thinking that the V1 system was a bit easier and more efficient ^^
Thank you very much for the answer. 👌
Or maybe there is a better way, but I just don't know it yet? You may need more exploration if you want to pursue the ultimate.
Maybe you should try this, it works for me when changing menu item.
(The menu of the video and the item of the code are not consistent)
use tauri::{
menu::{Menu, MenuItem},
tray::{MouseButton, MouseButtonState, TrayIconBuilder, TrayIconEvent},
pub fn system_tray_menu(app: &mut App) -> Result<(), tauri::Error> {
let quit = MenuItem::with_id(app, "quit", "Quit", true, None::<&str>)?;
let switch= MenuItem::with_id(app, "switch", "switch", true, None::<&str>)?;
// There is two item here
let menu = Menu::with_items(app, &[&switch, &quit])?;
// There is only one item here
let new_menu = Menu::with_items(app, &[&switch])?;
let tray_menu = TrayIconBuilder::with_id("tray")
tray_menu.on_tray_icon_event(|tray, event| match event {
TrayIconEvent::Click {
button: MouseButton::Left,
button_state: MouseButtonState::Up,
} => {
let app = tray.app_handle();
restore_and_focus_window(app, "main");
_ => {}
let tray_menu_clone = tray_menu.clone();
tray_menu.on_menu_event(move |app, event| match {
"switch" => {
match tray_menu_clone.set_menu(Some(new_menu.clone())) {
Ok(_) => {}
Err(e) => {
eprintln!("Error setting menu: {:?}", e);
"quit" => {
_ => {}
Question you want answered
How can i update an TrayIcon menu item title/logo at runtime.
Where did you look for an answer?
First I searched on the v2.0 documentation site on the system tray page. Then I moved to the migration page to check if there is some explanation to "how I should update the v1.x code". Not getting any info, I decided to check on internet external website/videos/tutorials. Finally, I ended my search here, on GitHub issues.
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