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Official RIIT (Rewrite it in Tauri) Standpoint? #692

Open parker-codes opened 3 years ago

parker-codes commented 3 years ago

I think the recent tweets to rewrite-it-in-tauri (like the one about Slack) has been inspiring community members to push for it in other projects. 😁 I think it's great to offer ideas and get the word out there, but I worry a little that some of these unofficial cases will be discounted because Tauri is in beta and then may not be considered again once things are stable.

I'm guessing that some of the people proposing these might be super excited, but not super knowledgeable on Tauri. Or they may just let their excitement come off too strongly - I've been there! Their arguments haven't been very robust or detailed, from what I've seen. It's something to the effect of "Why? Because Tauri is faster and smaller than Electron!" πŸ˜…

If anyone else also thinks this could have some negative effect, my proposal would be to have a "cease fire" unless from official sources, obviously not worded that way because we aren't at war. πŸ€ͺ We could have an official page like "Considering Tauri for your project?" with a section targeting these excited devs pushing it on their favorite tools like:

If you're excited to see this adopted by your favorite tools, we recommend the following to have the strongest and most respectful approach:

  • Don't just say, "because it's better than Electron." πŸ˜…
  • Be respectful of the decisions the maintainers have already made.
  • A project's success does not come from following shiny toys. Shape your proposal in a way that shows your excitement, but also is backed by concrete evidence.
  • Do your homework. Find out what tools they are using and real pain points they are having. Focus on those.

and so on..

If we do want mitigation, but feel like this is too forward, an alternate solution could be to keep an eye out for these instances and try to advise. This is reactive and so we may miss some or be too late, but 🀷🏼..

parker-codes commented 3 years ago

This is obviously not just a Tauri thing. This applies to any project, but especially innovative newcomers. My thoughts were just to proactively influence the external outreach.

betamos commented 2 years ago

For me personally, I was already rewriting the backend parts from Node to Go for speed and a smaller runtime, and that's when I started looking seriously at Tauri. From a marketing perspective, I imagine Tauri appeals stronger to those that either have no backend, are fine with writing the backend in Rust, or have a backend in a sidecar executable like myself.

lucasfernog commented 2 years ago

Transferred it to the docs repo for more visibility - the main one has too many issues :D

lorenzolewis commented 2 years ago

Gahhh! @lucasfernog doing that deep repo cleaning! Given this whole issue is a year old, so do what you want with the below :)

I think the only thing we can do as the Tauri team is make sure we're marketing Tauri and our goals as clearly as possible. If the market is wanting more security-focused and resource-optimised apps, then I think that's a good thing people are asking for it. Of course people should always ask in a nice way, but the internet will be the internet.

Now that we (finally) have 1.0, I think that public pressure on other place is a good thing to move us all forward. Of course it's up to them if they think it's worth it or not, but they should be the ones making that communication.

What we should be doing is listening to those other developers that are looking at Tauri and understanding if there's anything we can do to help them onboard. For instance, if a feature is missing, what can we do to enable that feature for them?

I don't know if it makes sense to put it on any of our "official" materials or docs, but what you outlined above could be some excellent wording for someone like @FabianLars on the frontlines if he sees a common thing come up and would have a copy-paste response.

All of this knowing I could be yelling into a 1 year old stale comment ;)

wayjake commented 1 year ago

has anyone had success in just wrapping existing web apps in Tauri? i would love to just download apps natively without downloading the 110mb of noops.

oh, and look, it just downloaded a (dot)exe. Classic. Why do they think I'm on Windows! Ah, it was an SEO thing I clicked via Google. Disregard. Safe from an eminent rant.

simonhyll commented 1 year ago

I'll track this for 2.0 as a part of improving the upgrade & migrate documentation.

simonhyll commented 4 months ago

I think this is best addressed in each individual "Migrate from X" article we write as a section at the start of it that discusses briefly when migrating from e.g. Electron makes sense to do. The official standpoint has always and will always be "don't just use things because they're cool, use them because they're the right tool for the job". If your team only has javascript developers and nobody is willing to learn Rust then you're most likely gonna run into issues with Tauri because there's not enough flexibility when developing native functionalities. If you need browser support then afaik Flutter supports it officially and making a Tauri app web capable, while possible, isn't as easy a task.

So yea, that's the standpoint, and I'd like that to be conveyed on each individual migration page.