tauri-apps / tauri

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[feat] Do you plan on not leaving a `kill-children.sh` script in our `/tmp`? #9665

Closed ii41 closed 1 week ago

ii41 commented 1 week ago

Describe the problem

I got quite terrified when I saw that there was a file called kill-children.sh on my laptop, in the /tmp directory. When the word "kill" and the word "children" are put together, you know, it doesn't make you think of good things.

Jokes aside I got terrified not because of the words but because someone put an executable file on my machine without me knowing and not leaving a clue about what it was about. I had to do a whole-disk search to know that it was from tauri. I know it's not against conventions to put random things in /tmp, but the other programs that put files in my /tmp (namely neovim, pyright and systemd) nicely prefix them so that I know where they are from and they have good intentions (this also protects themselves, the prefixes make accidental filename collisions less likely). I hope tauri can be this nice, too.

Describe the solution you'd like

Maybe put the file somewhere else, like the build target directory. I haven't looked into the details about this file but I can't think of a reason why it must be in /tmp. That's part of the reason why it looks so terrifying: it doesn't only have a cruel-looking name and but is also unusual. Or give it a name that look nicer. More importantly than looking less terrifying, it should have something that tells where it's from.

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