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Jul20 manual tests - debian9 py2qt4 #1138

Closed cpascual closed 3 years ago

cpascual commented 3 years ago

This issue is created for reporting the results of manual tests for Jul20 release on debian9 with dependencies installed (as much as possible) via official repositories (using a fresh taurus-test:debian-stretch image):

xhost +local:
docker run -id --name=taurus-stretch -h taurus-test -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -e QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix cpascual/taurus-test:debian-stretch
docker exec -it taurus-stretch bash

And, now in the docker:

# install missing dependencies
apt-get update && apt-get install python-click python-pyqtgraph
# force the use of Qt4
export QT_API=pyqt
# workaround for #836 , which affects systems with old h5py
export LANG=C.UTF-8
cpascual commented 3 years ago


For tips on how to prepare an environment for installation, see http://taurus-scada.org/users/getting_started.html

cpascual commented 3 years ago

taurus demo

cpascual commented 3 years ago

taurus image

taurus trend2d

cpascual commented 3 years ago

taurus designer

taurus device

taurus panel

taurus form

(basically try all features described in the user's guide

cpascual commented 3 years ago

taurus gui

(basically try all features described in the user's guide

cpascual commented 3 years ago

taurus config

taurus icons catalog

cpascual commented 3 years ago

taurus_pyqtgraph plot (needs taurus_pyqtgraph installed)

taurus_pyqtgraph trend (needs taurus_pyqtgraph installed)

cpascual commented 3 years ago

taurus qwt5 plot Only if using py2 qt4

(basically try all features described in the user's guide

taurus qwt5 trend Only if using py2 qt4

(basically try all features described in the user's guide

cpascual commented 3 years ago

Done. A few issues found. I do not think any of them are critical blockers, but it may be nice to investigate the --config option in qwt5's implementation of plot and trend commands and fix it if it is not too much work

cpascual commented 3 years ago

I fixed the --config issue in efc9bb4

cpascual commented 3 years ago

With the config issue solved, I think this is ready