taurus-org / taurus

Moved to https://gitlab.com/taurus-org/taurus
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Move CI to github workflows #1139

Open cpascual opened 3 years ago

cpascual commented 3 years ago

Since it does not seem that we will be moving to gitlab soon (#761 ) , I propose to consider replacing travis+appveyor by the new github workflows.

I've experimented with them and they are way more flexible than travis and appveyor (maybe even than gitlab-CI, but that's a different comparison).

Arguments in favor:

cpascual commented 3 years ago

Note: the taurus_pyqtgraph project is already migrated entirely (tox tests, flake tests, pypi deployment and conda deployment) to GH workflows, and everything seems simpler and faster.

The structure of the tests of taurus_pyqtgraph is quite similar to that of taurus, so much of the work is already done, but there are a few points that will need investigating:

cpascual commented 3 years ago

One more reason to migrate (either just the CI to GH workflows or the whole project to gitlab): Travis is discontinuing the unlimited CI service for OSS projects:

For those of you who have been building on public repositories (on travis-ci.com, with no paid subscription), we will upgrade you to our trial (free) plan with a 10K credit allotment (which allows around 1000 minutes in a Linux environment). (...) When your credit allotment runs out - we’d love for you to consider which of our plans will meet your needs. We will be offering an allotment of OSS minutes that will be reviewed and allocated on a case by case basis. Should you want to apply for these credits please open a request with Travis CI support stating that you’d like to be considered for the OSS allotment.