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Removing designMode from widget constructor #13

Open sf-migrator-bot opened 10 years ago

sf-migrator-bot commented 10 years ago

Using designMode as constructor parameter is not very nice. If you create a widget by composition and use it with QtDesigner (*) , the children of the widget will not be in designerMode and it will create a mess.

(*) for example by importing a .ui file. But in pure python code, providing designerMode everywhere it is needed is also a mess.

One way to fix that, the one i use with the help of Tiago is to check the modules:

designMode = 'PyQt4.QtDesigner' in sys.modules

It does not support all the cases, but it can be improved

Another way is to inject the context to the class when we create the QtDesignerPlugin


And using something like that on the class:

designMode = hasattr(self, "QTDESIGNER_CONTEXT")

Reported by: vallsv ( http://sf.net/u/valentinvalls )

sf-migrator-bot commented 10 years ago

I like the idea! I prefer something like the first option. The weak point is if somebody does this kind of program:

import PyQt4.QtDesigner
import taurus.qt.QtGui

# ...

I propose here what I believe is a safer implementation:

I think we could have in taurus.qt.QtGui an API to check/set if in QtDesigner:

# taurus/qt/QtGui/__init__.py

__designerMode = False

def isDesignerMode():
    global __designerMode
    return __designerMode

def setDesignerMode(yesno):
    global __designerMode
    __designerMode = yesno

When QtDesigner starts, it imports taurus.qt.qtdesigner.tauruspluginplugin. The taurus.qt.qtdesigner.tauruspluginplugin could set the designer mode to True:

# taurus/qt/qtdesigner/tauruspluginplugin.py

from taurus.qt.QtGui import setDesignerMode

def main()
    # ...

The widgets could check if they are in QtDesigner if needed by doing:

# mywidget.py

from taurus.qt.QtGui import isDesignerMode

class MyWidget(...):

    def __init__(self, parent=None):
        # ...

        designerMode = isDesignerMode()
        if designerMode:
            # ...
            # ...

        # ...

Original comment by: tiagocoutinho (http://sourceforge.net/u/tiagocoutinho)

sf-migrator-bot commented 10 years ago

I like that!

Original comment by: cpascual (http://sourceforge.net/u/cpascual)

sf-migrator-bot commented 9 years ago

Original comment by: cpascual (http://sourceforge.net/u/cpascual)