Closed cpascual closed 5 years ago
The installation is done on a pristine taurus-test:debian-buster container deployed with
xhost +local: docker run -d --name=taurus-buster -h taurus-test -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -e QT_X11_NO_MITSHM=1 -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix cpascual/taurus-test:debian-buster docker exec -it taurus-buster bash
pip install <tarball_artifact_URL>
installing from latest appveyor artifact from the release-Jan19 branch with:
pip3 install
pip3 install
.taurus --version
taurus, version 4.6.0-alpha
taurus tpg --version
tpg, version 0.2.4a0 (with taurus 4.6.0a0)
taurus demo
, eval:Q('1mm')#rvalue.units
, eval:10*arange(9)#rvalue[3:4]
as a model for testing)taurus guiqwt image --demo
taurus --polling-period 333 guiqwt trend2d --demo
taurus --polling-period 333 guiqwt trend2d -xt --demo
(known to fail in 4.1.0)
NOTE: It fails (known to fail)
taurus --polling-period 333 guiqwt trend2d -xe --demo
[x] Execute: taurus device sys/tg_test/1
[x] Check that it opens correctly and that the attrs and commands are populated
NOTE: 'boolean_image Show' is not populated when opening it, It has to be resized, or specific cells have to be selected with the mouse (in order to see it populated). NOTE: ''boolean_image Edit' is not populated either (maybe this is the expected behavior for 'edit'?)
[x] Execute SwitchStates command (see that the state label changes to FAULT and its color to red) and then execute the Init command and the label returns to RUNNING (blue)
taurus panel
(basically try all features described in the user's guide
[x] Launch taurus form sys/tg_test/1/short_scalar
[x] go to label context menu, change the configuration and set range to (-1000, 1000), alarm to (-500, 500) and unit to mm
. Close the form and relaunch. The new units should be used. Change the the write value and check that the orange color is used when in warning values, and that the write widget does not allow to write values out of range.
[x] Test to drag and drop of this attribute onto the same form many times (5 times)
bug #96: It crashes for @mrosanes at the fifth time of dragging/dropping
[x] Open "Modify Contents" and add sys/tg_test/1 and all of its attributes. They should all show ok
[x] Test the compact mode (switch to compact, noncompact; edit when in compact mode, ...) for a single value (from the context menu of a value label)
[x] Test compact mode for all values (from the context menu of the whole form)
[x] Test changing labels
NOTE: I changed several labels individually and then I changed all labels from the whole form menu to
. Everything looks ok but the following warnings were logged in the console:MainThread WARNING 2019-07-29 09:20:35,735 DefaultLabelWidget.tango://taurus-test:10000/sys/tg_test/1: Error formatting display (AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'label'")). Reverting to raw string MainThread WARNING 2019-07-29 09:20:38,739 DefaultLabelWidget.tango://taurus-test:10000/sys/tg_test/1: Error formatting display (AttributeError("'NoneType' object has no attribute 'label'")). Reverting to raw string (...) Repeated many times Exception ignored in: <function CurvePlot.__del__ at 0x7fb94cbb8620> Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/guiqwt/", line 1404, in __del__ canvas.removeEventFilter(self.filter) RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type QwtPlotCanvas has been deleted
[x] Test changing the formatter for a single value (from the context menu of a value label) (use, e.g. >>{}<<
). Do this in compact and non compact modes.
[x] Test changing the formatter for all values (from the context menu of the whole form)
[x] Test re-order of values with "Modify contents"
[x] Test the different "show" buttons (tables, images, spectra)
NOTE: 'boolean_image Show' is not populated when opening it, It has to be resized, or specific cells have to be selected with the mouse (in order to see it populated). NOTE: ''boolean_image Edit' is not populated either (maybe this is the expected behavior for 'edit'?) BUG: 'Short image Edit' -> double clicking in a cell for a first time presents the following error Traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/taurus/qt/qtgui/table/", line 472, in createEditor if index.model().getType() == bool: File "/usr/local/lib/python3.7/dist-packages/taurus/qt/qtgui/table/", line 224, in getType return self._rtabledata.dtype AttributeError: 'list' object has no attribute 'dtype'
[x] Change the write widget of double_scalar by a TaurusWheelEdit
[x] Change other read and write widgets
[x] After the previous changes, you should have a quite "custom" form. Use "Save current Settings" and save
to "tf.pck". Close the form and reopen it with taurus form --config tf.pck
[ ] ... other features from user's guide
BUG: I (@mrosanes) don't know exactly how to reproduce it, but I observed one crash in the 'taurus form', followed by the message in the terminal: RuntimeError: wrapped C/C++ object of type QwtPlotCanvas has been deleted
taurus icons
. Several tabs with an array of icons should be displayedSome generic issues detected in one or more tests
MainThread WARNING 2019-07-29 08:21:24,173 TaurusRootLogger: Qtdefault None.None[0]: QStandardPaths: error creating runtime directory /tmp/runtime-root: File exists
libGL error: failed to open drm device: No such file or directory
libGL error: failed to load driver: i965
(basically try all features described in the user's guide
taurus gui example01
Drops still not supported on tpg (29/07/2019)
) with taurus newgui
(follow the wizard)foogui
with pip (using a virtualenv may be a good idea)
NOTE: in the info on how to install the GUI, 'pip3' should be named instead of 'pip' (or both options should be indicated): taurus-test container on buster contains only pip3 (at 29/07/2019).
using the script that has been installedBUG: ini file is totally empty if opening as: taurus config mygui.ini BUG: from inside 'taurus config' application, 'Open File', the tree of directories cannot be navigated and no ini file can be chosen to be opened.
taurus tpg plot "eval:Q(rand(333),'mm')" sys/tg_test/1/wave
BUG: 'Segmentation fault' when deactivating 'Data inspector tool'. If activating and then deactivating 'Data Inspector', a Seg Fault appears.
BUG: Icons are not present in the 'Model Seletion'
taurus tpg trend "eval:Q(rand(),'mm')" sys/tg_test/1/ampli
taurus tpg trend -xe "eval:Q(rand(),'mm')" sys/tg_test/1/ampli
NOT YET READY (tpg.Trend does not yet support non-date x axis)(20190729)
BUG: 'Segmentation fault' when deactivating 'Data inspector tool'. If activating and then deactivating 'Data Inspector', a Seg Fault appears.
taurus designer
. Check that the taurus widgets are present in the catalog
BUG: Taurus widgets are missing
BUG: Taurus widgets are missing
All relevant issues found have been already reported in the tracker, and none is considered release-critical. I am closing this test issue. Thanks @mrosanes for the tests!
This issue is created for reporting the results of the manual tests for Jul19 release on debian10 (buster) with python3 and qt5.
The tests are done by @mrosanes and @cpascual