taurusser / Universal-Law

Home Study Course Unit by WalterRussell
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Home Study Course. unit 1,2,3,4 #1

Open taurusser opened 5 years ago

taurusser commented 5 years ago

No part of this manuscript can be printed in any form without permission from the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a ma[azine or newspaper.

These lessons are for the purpose of revealing the nature of God and verifying His Presence as the One Universal Being, through the gradual unfolding of the secret processes of Creation which have until now been unknown to man My ability to prove God as a scientific fact and bring Him within the range of man’s comprehension through incontrovertible evidence of His controlling Presence in all creating things is the result of having experienced fully that rarest of all .mental phenomena known as The ILLUMINATION into the Light of Cosmic Consciousness during a thirty-nine day and night period in May and June of 1921 I will not describe that phenomenon here, for it will be fully described in the following pages, except to explain that the seat of sensation becomes completely severed from its center- ing conscious Mind for intervals, followed by intervals of partial awareness of bodily sensing. During these intervals of complete severance one becomes wholly Mind, the One Mind of God, in which is all-knowledge, all-power and all-presence0 During all history since the dawn of Consciousness in man, there have been recorded about thirty cases of partial illumination but probably only three in all history have been fully illumined, Naturally the entirety of the secrets of Creation were mine to know as a complete and consistent cosmogony which enabled me to vision the universe as a whole0 Underlying all of it was a fundamental principle whlch Is so simple that I felt that I could gather the great scientists of the world together and give them that entire principle in a few minutes, for I had been aware that science has been searching for such an underlying principle which would apply to all phenomena for decades This I prepared to do by purchasing a text book of science (Duncan’s New Knowledge) to familiarize myself with the present state of scientific knowledge, for before my illumination I knew nothing whatsoever of science0 To my amazement I found that the entire cosmogenetic theory of science was so unlike God and Nature that, while reading it, I felt that these laws, hypotheses and other conclusions could not possibly have been written by men of our day for they were so far afield from fact they seemed more like the conjurings of Arthurian sages who told of the flat earth upheld at Its four corners by huge elephants as their cosmogenetic concept. As I read these unnatural theories and laws it gradually dawned upon me that these primal ideas were so fixed within the mental structure of science that it would be more than foolhardy to attempt to carry out my plan0 The science I read was so utterly complex that it was beyond the average comprehension whereas the science of God’s plan in Nature which I wished to give was so simple that anyone of average Intelligence could master it without difficulty. I also realized that I was as unaware of the language in which to speak to science as I vas of the Chinese tongue, and its terminology must he mastered also before I could approach the subject This seemed strange to me for I felt that no special terminology was even needed to tell that simple story of the CAUSE of all EFFECT.

translate in chinese 这份手稿的任何部分都不在任何 表单未经作者许可, 除非 由评论家谁可以引用简短的段落 评论将在杂志上印刷。

这些教训的目的是揭示的性质 上帝和验证他作为一个宇宙存在的存在, 通过 创造的秘密过程的逐渐展开, 其中 到目前为止都是人类所不知道的 我有能力证明上帝是一个科学的事实, 并把他 在人的理解范围内, 通过无可争辩 证据表明, 他的控制存在在所有创造的东西是 充分体验了最罕见的。 被称为 "发光进入宇宙意识之光" 的现象 在一个39白天和夜间期间在5月和 1921年6月 我不会在这里描述这种现象, 因为它将是 在下面的页面中充分描述, 除了解释, 感觉的座位变得完全切断了它的中心 有意识的头脑的间隔, 其次是部分的间隔 身体感应的意识。在这些完整的时间间隔 分离你成为完全心灵, 上帝的唯一心灵, 在 这是所有的知识, 所有的权力和所有的存在在所有 历史, 因为在人类的意识的黎明, 已经有 记录了约30例部分照明, 但可能 在所有的历史上只有三个被充分照亮, 自然, 创造的全部秘密都是我的 知道作为一个完整的和一致的宇宙, 使我 将宇宙想象为一个整体0的基础, 这一切都是一个 基本原则如何是如此简单, 我觉得我可以 聚集在一起的世界上伟大的科学家, 并给他们 整个原则在几分钟内, 因为我已经意识到, 科学一直在寻找这样一个基本原则, 将适用于十年来的所有现象 这是我准备通过购买一本科学教科书来做到这一点的 (邓肯的新知识), 以熟悉目前 科学知识的状态, 在我的照明之前, 我知道 没有任何科学0令我惊讶的是, 我发现, 整个宇宙遗传学的科学理论是如此不同于上帝和自然 , 在阅读它, 我觉得这些法律, 假设和 其他结论不可能已经写的男人 我们的一天, 因为他们是如此遥远的事实, 他们似乎更 像亚瑟王的巨石谁告诉平坦的地球 坚持在其四个角落由巨大的大象作为他们的宇宙遗传 概念。 当我读到这些不自然的理论和规律时, 它逐渐 我意识到, 这些原始的想法是如此固定在 科学的心理结构, 这将是超过鲁莽 试图执行我的计划我所读到的科学是如此的彻底 复杂的, 它超出了平均理解, 而 上帝的计划的科学在自然, 我希望给是如此 简单, 任何人的平均情报可以掌握它没有 困难。 我也意识到, 我是不知道的语言 其中说话的科学, 因为我的中文的 vas, 其 术语必须他也掌握之前, 我可以接近的主题 这似乎奇怪, 我觉得没有特殊的术语 甚至需要告诉这个简单的故事的原因 所有的效果。

taurusser commented 5 years ago

Knowing that I would but Invite ridicule if I attempted to impart my knowledge prematurely, I began an intensive preparation to so effectually present God s £ simple principle, which is forever repeated in every phenomena of notion, that there could be no possible legs left for the old and inconsistant cosmogony to stand on0 To do this lt became necessary to so build the new one that the old one need not be attacked to tear It down, but merely paint the picture of what is right over the old picture of what is wrong so effectually that the old one can never again be seen. During this long period I cave made some progress by gradually infiltrating some new ideas about the elements of matter during my seven years of the Presidency of The Society of Arts and Sciences, such as my work on hydrogen which led to the discovery of its Isotopes and heavy water, and by charting the two atomic bomb elements which I then copyrighted under the names of Uridium and Urium. Twenty years later 'hey were Isolated and renamed Plutonium and Neptunium without giving due credit to me for having first given knowledge of their existence to the world by mailing my new periodic charts containing these two elements to one thou- sand foremost scientists. This, and many other discoveries were given by me to the

world without credit, hut that did not matter„ Truth eventually forces recognition and I could afford to be vise and wait until I had worthily prepared for the day when the Light could so fully be focussed upon the truth that its recognition could not be evaded, » The fundamental cosmogony of science which so amazed me was what might be termed a transient, discontinuous, unbalanced one- way universe which had a beginning aeons ago by the unexplained and unexplainable formation of a tremendous flaming mass of heat which is slowly radiating away by splitting into smaller masses which expand within themselves, and from each other, until they eventually end in heat death„ Out of this unnatural theory came the first and second laws of thermodynamics which have no validity whatsoever, for the premise that heat is energy, upon which they are founded, has no validity. The resultant one-way universe allowed for no compensating generation to counterbalance its radiation, despite the accepted law of equal and opposite action and reaction, "Energy cannot run up hill”, science says, "it can only run down hill”. It so happens In God's plan that energy neither runs up, nor down hill. God’s universal body is a two-way compensating, continuous and eternal universe of absolute balance in every effect of motion , Generation equals radiation, compression equals expansion, the red half of the spectrum equals the blue half, solid matter balances the potential of its surrounding space in every wave field, and each one of every opposite pair not only balances with its opposite but borns its opposite through sequential interchange.

God's universe is entirely composed of microcosmic and macro- cosmic masses of pulsing electric waves which we call matter0 These pulsing waves constitute the universal heartbeat, or universal breath of God's body, God's body continues its manifestation of the life principle by breathing outward and inward sequentially, just as you breathe out and in in balanced sequences to continue your appearance of existence. Every mass in the universe breathes out and in, rhythmically. There are no exceptions to this law which every nebula, sun, planet or electron of an atom obeys, but in varying frequencies appropriate to their potential. Your breath frequency may be ten^per min- ute while the sun's frequency is one cycle in eleven years.

知道我会, 但邀请嘲笑, 如果我试图 过早地传授我的知识, 我开始了紧张的准备 如此有效地呈现上帝的简单原则, 这是永远的 重复在概念的每一个现象, 有没有可能的 腿离开了旧的和不一致的宇宙站 要做到这一点, 就有必要建造一个新的 旧的不需要攻击就能把它拆掉, 而只是油漆而已 什么是正确的图片在什么是错误的旧图片 如此有效, 旧的永远不能再看到。 在这漫长的时间里, 我的洞穴取得了一些进展, 逐渐 渗透一些关于物质元素的新想法 在我七年的总统的艺术和 科学, 比如我在氢方面的工作, 导致了发现 它的同位素和重水, 并通过绘制两个原子 炸弹元素, 然后我版权保护乌里迪姆的名字 和乌里姆。二十年后, "嘿被孤立和重新命名 钚和海王星, 但没有给予我应有的信任, 因为我有 首先给他们的存在的知识, 通过邮寄到世界 我的新的定期图表包含这两个元素到一个 最重要的科学家。 这一点, 和许多其他的发现是我给

世界没有信用, 小屋, 并不重要的 "真相最终 力量承认, 我可以负担得起的虎钳, 等待, 直到我 有价值的准备的一天, 当光可以如此充分 专注于真理, 它的承认是无法逃避的, » 科学的基本宇宙, 让我惊讶 什么可以被称为一个瞬态的, 不连续的, 不平衡的一个 方式宇宙有一个开始早在很久以前的原因不明 和无法解释的形成一个巨大的燃烧质量的热量 通过分裂成更小的质量慢慢地辐射掉 这扩大在自己内部, 并从对方, 直到他们 最终以热死告终 " 从这个不自然的理论中产生了第一和第二定律 热力学的, 没有任何有效性, 为前提 热是能量, 他们的基础上, 没有 有效性。由此产生的单向宇宙不允许任何补偿 一代, 以平衡其辐射, 尽管 接受的平等和相反的行动和反应的法律, "能源 不能跑上山 ", 科学说," 它只能跑上山 "。 在上帝的计划中, 能量既不会上升, 也不会下降 山。 上帝的宇宙身体是双向的补偿, 持续 和永恒的宇宙的绝对平衡在运动的每一个影响 , 生成等于辐射, 压缩等于膨胀, 光谱的红色一半等于蓝色的一半, 固体物质 平衡其周围空间在每一波的潜力 字段, 每一对每一对不平衡不仅与 它的对立面, 但出生它的对立面通过顺序交换。

上帝的宇宙完全是由微观和宏观组成的。 宇宙质量的脉冲电波, 我们称之为物质0 这些脉动的波构成了普遍的心跳, 或宇宙 上帝身体的气息, 上帝的身体继续它的表现 生命原理通过依次向外和向内呼吸, 就像你呼气, 并在平衡的序列, 以继续 你存在的外观。 宇宙中的每一个质量都有节奏地呼出和呼气。 没有例外的这条定律, 每一个星云, 太阳, 行星 或原子的电子服从, 但在不同的频率适当 他们的潜力。你的呼吸频率可能是每分钟 10 ^ 而太阳的频率是十一年内的一个周期。

taurusser commented 5 years ago

Meditation Is the most important of all the functions of human life which further human progress„ So little is known of It, even by the greatest of the world’s geniuses who constantly practice It knowingly but could not explain it, that it now seems necessary to so carefully define and explain that divine function that everyone can knowingly practice it and thus knowingly command his achievements to be masterly or command his body to be perfect, or his life to be full to overflowing, for through meditation 1 every man can become whatever he wishes to become. Meditation is communing with God for the purpose of working knowingly with God„ WORKING KNOWINGLY WITH GOD You all know that Is the way I work, and because of It I have been enabled to do ten times the amount of work I otherwise would have done, and all of it in a masterly manner. When I KNOW that God’s thinking and mine are one and that I am so consciously aware of His presence at every working moment, likewise conscious- ly feeling my hands to be His hands, my work could not be other than masterly, To constantly work knowingly with God* never ceasing, is to he constantly inspired with the ecstasy of His nature, I have felt that way since I was a child, I felt His presence with me at the piano. The musical rhythms which flowed from my Soul were interpretations of His rhythmic thinking as they became my think- ing, God was my teacher, I needed no other. He was always with me in my Soul and lifted me to great heights even in my early days , All during my life I have walked and talked and worked knowingly with God, Every year in May He took me up unto a high mountain for a few days alone with Him in His Light to illumine my path for the years ahead which He had planned for me with me. For I had always dimly known the years ahead for me which were so amazingly clarified in 1921 when The Message of The Divine Iliad was interpreted for the dawning age of Cosmic Man, Knowing that I must demonstrate by, my own life that which I must teach to other men my one desire through life has been to live life worthily to manifest the power in me which God gives to every man for the asking^ and to immunize myself from all that is unlovely in order that I could forever create with Him that Beauty of balanced rhythmic thinking which is His universe. And so it is that the time has now come for me to teach you who desire to unfold your own omniscience how to find that zero of stillness in His Light which will illumine your way to your own mountain top.

THE FIRST STEP To meditate with God first forget your body and stop think ing about anything. Decentrate to the zero of stillness. Become a vacuum insofar as your senses are concerned. Desire the Light. If you could express it in words let that expression have a mean- ing but without words. Let it be more like a realization, as though you said in words: The glory of Thy anointing Light is upon me. "I am in the spirit. Thy Light is all about me. It encompasseth me. It shineth through me. I am dissolved in Thy Light. ,fThy Light is my Light. I am immersed in my Light. ”1 am in Thy Light, knowing Thy Light. "Be Thou me, that I may not be myself alone”, MEDITATION DEFINED Meditation is the desire of man to know God in him, and to manifest his God awareness by extending his knowing, through his thinking to the production of material bodies created by him in * I the image of his inspired conceiving. I might put It more simply by saying that meditation is a desire to be alone with God to talk with Him. Meditation is really ja conference between your Soul and the Universal Soul. J To be One with God means to desire His knowledge and power. God’s Mind is your Mind, hence you have all knowledge and power that God has to the extent of your awareness, of God in you. If God’s knowledge Is asleep in you It must be awakened in order that you may be aware of it. When you are aware of it you can use. It, for the entirety of Universal Law works, with and for you at your command. To the extent of your awareness, and to that extent only.

you may use universal power to think your knowing Into material forms. Your knowing Is your Mind Self. Your Mind Self is you the eternal Be ing 0 Your Self Is not your body nor Is your know- ing in your brain but it controls your body and your brain as its absolute master 0 Do not confuse your Mind and brain as one 0 Your Mind thinks through your brain and with it as a lever works upon its fulcrum for your brain is but the instrument for fulfilling the commands extended to it by Consciousness which Mind is. Your brain records memories experiences and information electrically, just as phonographs likewise do but it is the will of your Mind which orders your brain to obey just as it likewise orders your automobile to obey. The measure of your cosmic knowing is the measure of your self and God awareness It is the measure of your ability to dwell in the Light of all-knowing and to command the thought uni- verse of Creation with God as Co-Creator with God Thinking what you know into imagined forms is expressing your eternal Self in the invisible universe of Mind formed bodies to Imagined thought forms by following up your thoughts with actions* is expressing your eternal Self In the visible universe of matter.

That is all that God does for he controls His electric body as its absolute master. He keeps all of its interactions and interchangings in absolute balance for God is eternally creating His body in the image of His desiring. You can do likewise if you desire to only by working knowingly with God. You can be master of your body In the measure of

your awareness of God in you, and keep it in balance instead of continually unbalancing it in divers ways from morn until night and from night until morn, wearing it out with tensions and strain fears and worryings and various emotions which destroy your body with toxic poisonings,

Whatever you know you think and what you think you become