tavicu / homebridge-samsung-tizen

Homebridge plugin for Samsung TV's with Tizen OS
MIT License
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Implement Frame TV support #318

Closed tavicu closed 3 years ago

tavicu commented 3 years ago

Hei, I have prepared the plugin to implement the Art Mode support but i will need some help from people with Frame TVs since i don't have one.

I will tag everybody that i know it has a Frame TV :) @codyc1515, @JordanPatterson, @vhardono, @funkyremi, @mrMiimo, @soulcook, @jamesalmeida, @jackklink, @CGDaveMac

Since the last version now we also check the PowerState if the TV supports it! I will need from someone with a Frame TV to access http://TV_IP:8001 or http://TV_IP:8001/api/v2/ url while the TV is in Art Mode and tell me what value the PowerState key has.

Screenshot 2021-03-10 at 12 50 30

Also, i would like to ask you guys how do you see the flow and how it will be most useful for you? The implementation sounds like this:

Let me know :) The implementation will be made in steps. As soon as a step is done and tested, it will be released!

P.S. Without your help i will not be able to develop this feature.

martijnmnnk commented 3 years ago

Here are the results with my Frame TV, art-mode On:

{"device":{"FrameTVSupport":"true","GamePadSupport":"true","ImeSyncedSupport":"true","Language":"nl_NL","OS":"Tizen","PowerState":"on","TokenAuthSupport":"true","VoiceSupport":"true","WallScreenRatio":"0","WallService":"false","countryCode":"NL","description":"Samsung DTV RCR","developerIP":"","developerMode":"0","duid":"uuid:1234","firmwareVersion":"Unknown","id":"uuid:1234","ip":"","model":"19_MUSEM_FRAME","modelName":"QE43LS03RAUXZG","name":"[TV] Woonkamer TV","networkType":"wireless","resolution":"3840x2160","smartHubAgreement":"true","ssid":"11:22:33:44:55:66","type":"Samsung SmartTV","udn":"uuid:1234","wifiMac":"AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF"},"id":"uuid:1234","isSupport":"{\"DMP_DRM_PLAYREADY\":\"false\",\"DMP_DRM_WIDEVINE\":\"false\",\"DMP_available\":\"true\",\"EDEN_available\":\"true\",\"FrameTVSupport\":\"true\",\"ImeSyncedSupport\":\"true\",\"TokenAuthSupport\":\"true\",\"remote_available\":\"true\",\"remote_fourDirections\":\"true\",\"remote_touchPad\":\"true\",\"remote_voiceControl\":\"true\"}\n","name":"[TV] Woonkamer TV","remote":"1.0","type":"Samsung SmartTV","uri":"","version":"2.0.25"}

tavicu commented 3 years ago

Here are the results with my Frame TV, art-mode On:

Awesome. So the PowerState is still on! That means the first step is done :) I will test it tomorrow in detail and if everything it's ok i will release it!

About the flow, what do you think it will be the best approach? It's ok how i've seen it? Or you think that another approach will make more sense?

I also purchased a Frame TV so i can develop and test faster! Ofc i will return it after that :P, already have 4 samsung tvs in my home :)) Tomorrow should arrive.

CGDaveMac commented 3 years ago

Thank you so much for doing this. I have the same results as martijnmnnk.

As far as implementation, I think you may have a varied response and your proposed idea may make it harder for me (us) to control the TV. Would be interested to see what others think.

For reference, I rarely intend turn off my Frame TV. Because the TV is guaranteed to never have burn-in when in Art Mode, I usually have it on or in Art Mode. That's why I bought this TV. When on it's a television, and when off it's artwork for my home. I like what happens now (Turn Off = Art Mode), except that the Power would always show on in HomeKit.

So depending on how you decide to implement it, it actually might make it more difficult to use. In general, I want to tell Siri to turn the TV off or on and have it go between Art Mode and On. The only time it might be nice to turn OFF is when going on vacation or an automation to leave the house. I wonder if there will be any interesting ways to do both?

Ultimately, having a working, consistent plugin will be nice, and I appreciate your work.

tavicu commented 3 years ago

As far as implementation, I think you may have a varied response and your proposed idea may make it harder for me (us) to control the TV. Would be interested to see what others think.

Uuu, i get your point and it makes sense indeed! It will be useless to tell turn off and actually turning it off! Why bother paying more for Frame TV and having it off :)) So yeah, the main accessory should toggle the art mode on and off. Glad i asked :D

It could be like this by default and also add an option where you can choose between them, if you want to control the art mode or the actual power.

So, if we do it like you said (toggling art mode), do you think a separate switch to control the actual power of TV will be useful?

CGDaveMac commented 3 years ago

I know HomeHit has limitations, but if there were another switch to turn actually turn power off, I would likely use it in automations leaving the home, so yes. Would this like a separate HomeKit switch that you could call "TV Power" or something?

JordanPatterson commented 3 years ago

As far as implementation, I think you may have a varied response and your proposed idea may make it harder for me (us) to control the TV. Would be interested to see what others think.

Uuu, i get your point and it makes sense indeed! It will be useless to tell turn off and actually turning it off! So yeah, the main accessory should toggle the art mode on and off. Glad i asked :D

It could be like this by default and also add an option where you can choose between them, if you want to control the art mode or the actual power.

So, if we do it like you said (toggling art mode), do you think a separate switch to control the actual power of TV will be useful?

Yes I think creating an option as to what the main accessory off actually means is a good choice. Having a separate switch to control this is also desirable because I want to be able to automate the state of the TV when everyone leaves the house.

Edit: I am unsure if inputs can be automated in HomeKit?

tavicu commented 3 years ago

Edit: I am unsure if inputs can be automated in HomeKit?

Yup, looks like it can be set in automations if you hold down on the card until it pops out!

JordanPatterson commented 3 years ago

I know HomeHit has limitations, but if there were another switch to turn actually turn power off, I would likely use it in automations leaving the home, so yes. Would this like a separate HomeKit switch that you could call "TV Power" or something?

Yep, same here I think regardless of the action of the main accessory a second switch is needed to control the other state.

I think I prefer the tv displaying as on with input “Art Mode”

tavicu commented 3 years ago

Cool! For the first step i will implement the default method, toggling art mode with the main accessory. And then the option to change the behaviour.

I want to release the features step by step so it will be available as soon as a feature is done developing so in case i have a lot of work to do at my job to not postpone all implementation :)

I will think of a roadmap and edit the first comment

JordanPatterson commented 3 years ago

Cool! For the first step i will implement the default method, toggling art mode with the main accessory. And then the option to change the behaviour.

I want to release the features step by step so it will be available as soon as a feature is done developing so in case i have a lot of work to do at my job to not postpone all implementation :)

I will think of a roadmap and edit the first comment

That sounds like a great idea.

tavicu commented 3 years ago

Ok, so the flow will be like this:

Let me know if something needs to be changed / added!

CGDaveMac commented 3 years ago

Thank you, I think that will be work out well.

mrMiimo commented 3 years ago

Hi, this is good news! thanks everyone. I'm not at home at the moment to test access http://TV_IP:8001/api/v2/, but I think it's no longer necessary ...Anyway, I can check tonight.

Some considerations on my side @tavicu :

  • Main accessory to toggle art mode. When the TV will be in art mode it will display as OFF!

I'm not convinced that it is right to display it as OFF. Even though it is in art mode, it is actually ACTIVE (ON). For example, when I'm away from home, I won't know if it's really ON or OFF. Eventually I will adapt...

  • Separate switch where you can actually turn off the TV.
  • Option to change default behaivor of main accessory and actually turn off the TV.

    • Add Art Mode as an Input option and display it in the main accessory when the TV is in art mode.
    • Separate switch where you can toggle the state of art mode

I think I don't fully understand how many switches we will have (my fault, sorry). All of this will then be inside the main accessory, right? or "external switches"?

Thanks again.

owine commented 3 years ago

FWIW, the SmartThings app shows the TV as on with the input as Art Mode when it is in Art Mode. Pressing the power button turns it off entirely and Art Mode is a separate toggle.

CGDaveMac commented 3 years ago

FWIW, the SmartThings app shows the TV as on with the input as Art Mode when it is in Art Mode. Pressing the power button turns it off entirely and Art Mode is a separate toggle.

Good info. I don't regularly use the SmartThings app, so I checked and mine does show as on in the main accessory, but still shows the input as HDMI1 when in art mode. You have to go into the accessory to change all of the other settings, and can see art mode status there. It's not easy to see the status, in my opinion.

However, I still like idea of main accessory being off. There are additional settings in the Smart things app to allow the TV to sleep and actually turn off based on motion or light levels. I would think most users that pay for this Art Mode feature and want to use HomeBridge/HomeKit would want to toggle between On/Art mode easily, and do further power saving customization with SmartThings.

If the only way to change Art Mode is via an input, you will not be able to easily automate in HomeKit because you can't modify inputs when the main accessory is Off.

owine commented 3 years ago

FWIW, the SmartThings app shows the TV as on with the input as Art Mode when it is in Art Mode. Pressing the power button turns it off entirely and Art Mode is a separate toggle.

Good info. I don't regularly use the SmartThings app, so I checked and mine does show as on in the main accessory, but still shows the input as HDMI1 when in art mode. You have to go into the accessory to change all of the other settings, and can see art mode status there. It's not easy to see the status, in my opinion.

However, I still like idea of main accessory being off. There are additional settings in the Smart things app to allow the TV to sleep and actually turn off based on motion or light levels. I would think most users that pay for this Art Mode feature and want to use HomeBridge/HomeKit would want to toggle between On/Art mode easily, and do further power saving customization with SmartThings.

If the only way to change Art Mode is via an input, you will not be able to easily automate in HomeKit because you can't modify inputs when the main accessory is Off.

Interesting we are seeing different things - I have attached a screenshot of what I see on my ST app.

Screenshot 2021-03-10 at 9 54 47 AM

tavicu commented 3 years ago

I think I don't fully understand how many switches we will have (my fault, sorry). All of this will then be inside the main accessory, right? or "external switches"?

Just one extra switch just like you would create a custom switch right now. This switch will appear as part of main accessory but if you select "Show as separate tile" it will actually show as a separate accessory.

FWIW, the SmartThings app shows the TV as on with the input as Art Mode when it is in Art Mode. Pressing the power button turns it off entirely and Art Mode is a separate toggle.

Nice, didn't know that! Tomorrow i will receive the Frame TV :) But thinking of what @CGDaveMac said, it makes more sense to toggle the art mode. Who spent that kind of money for Frame TV want's it to show the Art. Telling Siri/Alexa to turn off the TV and actually turning it off for real will make the Art mode useless.

But for automations and if you really want to turn it off you will have an option to do it from the switch.

If the only way to change Art Mode is via an input, you will not be able to easily automate in HomeKit because you can't modify inputs when the main accessory is Off.

Either way we go the Inputs will not be the only option. A separate switch will be there to toggle the power or the art mode.

Interesting we are seeing different things - I have attached a screenshot of what I see on my ST app.

For display purposes it looks awesome. But if you think functionality ... not so much since you can't tell Siri/Alexa/Google/Name it to turn it off cause it will actually turn the TV off. You will have to say Switch TV to Art Mode, which is not so cool :)

I think the best approach is what physical remote does! The power button goes to Art Mode. Want it actually turned off, you have to do other things (long press). That translates to Main Accessory -> display status of Art Mode, not the power. Want to actually turn it off, do other things (separate switch).

jackklink commented 3 years ago


Can’t wait to try it out!

jackklink commented 3 years ago

I agree that having the “off mode” for the tv mean it goes to art mode would be preferred behavior and behavior in line with the way the tv works. But also having an off mode that truly turns it off for real is important as I have automations where I would like for it to be fully off.

However you implement it, I will be happy if I can automate both these functions!

CGDaveMac commented 3 years ago

FWIW, the SmartThings app shows the TV as on with the input as Art Mode when it is in Art Mode. Pressing the power Interesting we are seeing different things - I have attached a screenshot of what I see on my ST app.

Ok, I tried before multiple times, including force closing and refreshing the SmartThings app. I just tried again, and it did refresh and show Art Mode as your screenshot indicates.

soulcook commented 3 years ago

Sorry to be late to this conversation, but just to add my vote -- I would MUCH prefer the TV to show as OFF when in Art Mode. The whole point of the Frame is that it's in Art Mode when you're not watching it. Why would you buy a Frame and turn it off? What you're buying is the ability to see art when it's "off".

On Wed, 10 Mar 2021 at 16:13, CGDaveMac @.***> wrote:

FWIW, the SmartThings app shows the TV as on with the input as Art Mode when it is in Art Mode. Pressing the power Interesting we are seeing different things - I have attached a screenshot of what I see on my ST app.

Ok, I tried before multiple times, including force closing and refreshing the SmartThings app. I just tried again, and it did refresh and show Art Mode as your screenshot indicates.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/tavicu/homebridge-samsung-tizen/issues/318#issuecomment-795670218, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AOF7QMPP5Q6JD474UXBWARDTC6EBVANCNFSM4Y5XXHHQ .

CGDaveMac commented 3 years ago

Just one extra switch just like you would create a custom switch right now. This switch will appear as part of main accessory but if you select "Show as separate tile" it will actually show as a separate accessory.

I think that would be great! I almost forgot about the combined switches, but the nice part about that is that the power on each on can be independent (unlike the input/source on a TV). If this is how it's implemented, I think there is flexibility in how each user automates in HomeKit.

As @soulcook, myself, and others mentioned, the default functionality should probably be based on how most users want the TV to operate, but since the combined switch can be named whatever you want, all automation possibilities are present.

CGDaveMac commented 3 years ago

Sorry to be late to this conversation, but just to add my vote -- I would MUCH prefer the TV to show as OFF when in Art Mode. The whole point of the Frame is that it's in Art Mode when you're not watching it. Why would you buy a Frame and turn it off? What you're buying is the ability to see art when it's "off".

And if you want power savings you can use the motion/light settings built into the TV.

mmarras commented 3 years ago

Sorry to be late to this conversation, but just to add my vote -- I would MUCH prefer the TV to show as OFF when in Art Mode. The whole point of the Frame is that it's in Art Mode when you're not watching it. Why would you buy a Frame and turn it off? What you're buying is the ability to see art when it's "off".

Agreed in principle on the fundamental reason someone buys a frame TV. But consider someone has it hanging in the bedroom and wants to go to bed. No need to show the artwork while you are sleeping or even worse have the artwork wake-up while you are moving in your sleep. I think whatever the solution it needs to be flexible.

soulcook commented 3 years ago


On Wed, 10 Mar 2021 at 16:26, CGDaveMac @.***> wrote:

Sorry to be late to this conversation, but just to add my vote -- I would MUCH prefer the TV to show as OFF when in Art Mode. The whole point of the Frame is that it's in Art Mode when you're not watching it. Why would you buy a Frame and turn it off? What you're buying is the ability to see art when it's "off". … <#m-8722724656754287368>

And if you want power savings you can use the motion/light settings built into the TV.

— You are receiving this because you were mentioned. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/tavicu/homebridge-samsung-tizen/issues/318#issuecomment-795688733, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AOF7QMIZTTNZCOKGWMEBDFTTC6FTFANCNFSM4Y5XXHHQ .

tavicu commented 3 years ago

Yup. The default functionality will be just like the physical remote and also have options to customise everything to fits everybody's needs in the end :)

As i said, tomorrow i will receive the Frame TV and i will start do voodoo! If everything it's ok we should have the first step (main accessory toggling art mode) by Sunday!

i even found a nice solution to push the new version only to who want's to test it and not require to do coding stuff :)

CGDaveMac commented 3 years ago

But consider someone has it hanging in the bedroom and wants to go to bed. No need to show the art

Very good point. I appreciate that we can all provide differing viewpoints and make this work best for all in the end. (Night mode might be good in that situation, however.)

Come to think of it, I haven't even tried the Night Mode. That may affect how this plugin works. I am assuming that once night mode is engaged, the TV actually turns off and shows standby as PowerState? If so, then no problem.

According to Samsung: Selecting Night Mode on the Smart view app, when the brightness level drops below 1.8 nits The Frame switches to standby mode. In the morning, as the brightness level rises to 8 nits and when it detects motion the TV will switch back to Art Mode.

tavicu commented 3 years ago

Good point, didn’t know about this feature! Since it reports as standby we should be good because is treated like Off in the plugin!

tavicu commented 3 years ago

Wish the original API had so much informations as the Frame TV!

It sends an event for every action that is made! We can get the status of TV in real time! That's just awesome!

I couldn't find all these things if i didn't purchase a Frame TV! :) Glad i did it!

P.S: Thank you very much for donations you guys made! It makes my work feel appreciated!

message {"data":"{"event": "art_mode_changed", "status": "on"}","event":"d2d_service_message","from":"b31ec54f-3a52-42e7-acfd-79fff25584c"}

message {"data":"{"event": "go_to_standby"}","event":"d2d_service_message","from":"b31ec54f-3a52-42e7-acfd-79fff25584c"}

message {"data":"{"event": "wakeup"}","event":"d2d_service_message","from":"b31ec54f-3a52-42e7-acfd-79fff25584c"}
bojomojo commented 3 years ago

seems I am late to the party, so I am not going to give any different view points.. I just hope testing was done on different versions of the frame 2018-2020.

Only one question, can we combine the options above, so have something like: Default is putting the TV in art mode, and display it in the main accessory?

bojomojo commented 3 years ago

Just mentioning one use case, to make sure its covered:

  1. Device is in Art Mode
  2. Device goes automatically to complete off because of inactivity

With the current version, when I clicked on the power on switch, it went to art mode, then clicked again, it said OFF, but the TV actually powered on.. a couple of seconds later the status polling updated the status.. What I mean is, Power_On shall power it on completely, regardless of whether its OFF or ART_MODE, right?

tavicu commented 3 years ago

seems I am late to the party, so I am not going to give any different view points.. I just hope testing was done on different versions of the frame 2018-2020.

The endpoint is old. It should be good on all frame TVs

Only one question, can we combine the options above, so have something like: Default is putting the TV in art mode, and display it in the main accessory?

Default behaviour will function just like physical remote. It will control art mode and when the TV will be in Art Mode it will display as Off. I tried to set the input as Art Mode when TV is off but unfortunately Apple doesn't have this feature. Inputs are active only as long as TV is ON.

With the current version, when I clicked on the power on switch, it went to art mode, then clicked again, it said OFF, but the TV actually powered on.. a couple of seconds later the status polling updated the status.. What I mean is, Power_On shall power it on completely, regardless of whether its OFF or ART_MODE, right?

Yup, i have seen last night that when the TV goes off or in sleep mode and you press the power button it will come back to the last state it was before going off. It it was in art mode it will come back in art and if in TV, back to TV.

I think i found a way to go directly to TV. I will test it right now :)

bojomojo commented 3 years ago

great.. if you need testers, I bet all of us here would be interested to test it out

Ghitafjorback commented 3 years ago

Sorry for being late to the discussion! I guess you no longer need help with details, but I just want to say that I am SO looking forward to this update. Having a Hue HDMI sync box, and my automations can't work properly because my TV keeps turning "on" in Homekit due to the Art mode, which then turns on my Hue Sync box and and and... haha. Let me know if you need me to be beta-tester. :)

tavicu commented 3 years ago

great.. if you need testers, I bet all of us here would be interested to test it out

Sorry for being late to the discussion! I guess you no longer need help with details, but I just want to say that I am SO looking forward to this update. Having a Hue HDMI sync box, and my automations can't work properly because my TV keeps turning "on" in Homekit due to the Art mode, which then turns on my Hue Sync box and and and... haha. Let me know if you need me to be beta-tester. :)

I was prepare to release a beta version today but i found some problems and i'm working on it. If i don't find anything else tomorrow we should have the first beta published.

i will give instructions on how to install it for those who want it to test it!

Ghitafjorback commented 3 years ago

Great! Can't wait! Thanks again for adding this!

charlesvestal commented 3 years ago

Only adding thank you for this as well! After building some clunky workarounds, I'm excited to be able to yell at my TV the right way :)

tavicu commented 3 years ago

Ok. I have published a beta version which you guys can test it.

I'm not 100% happy about one scenario. I spent two days on it but didn't find a perfect way. When the TV goes to sleep automatically and you turn it on it goes back to the last state it was in. If it was in Art Mode before going to sleep, it will come back to Art.

To fix this after turning the TV on i send the command to turn Art Mode Off. The problem is that sometimes the TV is turning On from Sleep by Wake On Lan command but the WebSocket is taking ~15-20 seconds to became available so i can turn Art mode Off.

The problem is with the main accessory state. Because after you press it it will be displayed as On for a few seconds then the check will come and see that the Art Mode is still on and will toggle to Off, then the command to switch Art Mode Off will take place and the accessory will get back to On as it should.

I'm still trying to figure out what i can do so it will be perfect and don't have that changing of state to Off.

Ok. Now let's see how you can install it.

If you are using Config Ui X (i think it should run on docker but i don't know for sure) it's the easiest way!

  1. Log in to Config Ui X
  2. Go to Plugins
  3. Click on the wrench and select Install Previous Version Screenshot 2021-03-14 at 17 03 32
  4. In the dropdown make sure it's selected the beta version: v5.0.0-beta.0 - beta and click Install. Screenshot 2021-03-14 at 17 05 03
  5. Restart homebridge

For those who don't have Config Ui X or don't see the Install Previous Version option

You can install the plugin with npm install command like this: npm install homebridge-samsung-tizen@beta. If you have the plugin installed globally don't forget the -g attribute. Like this: npm install homebridge-samsung-tizen@beta -g

CGDaveMac commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the effort here! I updated to the beta version, and it's not working correctly, but I don't think it's due to the beta code. The plugin has acted the same way since 4.3.7. I was hoping that your version that is meant for The Frame would fix it.

Basically, there are no errors in the log, but the TV will be Off or Art Mode and show off in the Home App. I will turn on the TV via the app, it will come on and then about 5 seconds later shows Off in the Home App. From there forward, the power state doesn't align with the TV and it's out of sync.

I went back to 4.3.6 and everything works perfectly. Updated to the beta version (or 4.3.7 forward) and the same thing happens. There are no errors in the log.

Let me know what I can do to help troubleshoot!

Ghitafjorback commented 3 years ago

So far it works perfect here!!! The issue you describe is no issue for me, so I am a very happy camper! Thank you thank you thank you

tavicu commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the effort here! I updated to the beta version, and it's not working correctly, but I don't think it's due to the beta code. The plugin has acted the same way since 4.3.7. I was hoping that your version that is meant for The Frame would fix it.

It's something strange cause you posted the logs and i only see connecting to the websocket that receive the commands. Nothing about the Frame socket.

Are you sure that's only logs you get?

If yes, i will prepare a small script for you to run it and give me all the response.

mrMiimo commented 3 years ago

Beta installed, but I have not seen any accessories connected to the TV. It's normal? 🤔

codyc1515 commented 3 years ago

Working perfectly for me. People having issues should check they are using Ethernet (not wifi). I have had all kinds of unpredictable issues with these TVs when using wifi, particularly with regards to powering on using apps (Wake on LAN).

mrMiimo commented 3 years ago

Working perfectly for me. People having issues should check they are using Ethernet (not wifi). I have had all kinds of unpredictable issues with these TVs when using wifi, particularly with regards to powering on using apps (Wake on LAN).

@codyc1515 do you have an accessory connected to the tv? Is it possible to see a screenshot?

I tried to delete the TV and add it but nothing ... I only see the TV.

codyc1515 commented 3 years ago

What are you hoping to see?

The only change I've noticed is that the TV shows off when in Art Mode and reliably turns on from Standby (previously turned to Art Mode). It's working fantastically.

If you're expecting to have a switch to turn it fully off I don't think that's been added in yet.


mrMiimo commented 3 years ago

ah .. sorry, I thought the switch was already implemented. Anyway, it works perfectly for me too. 👍

CGDaveMac commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the effort here! I updated to the beta version, and it's not working correctly, but I don't think it's due to the beta code. The plugin has acted the same way since 4.3.7. I was hoping that your version that is meant for The Frame would fix it.

It's something strange cause you posted the logs and i only see connecting to the websocket that receive the commands. Nothing about the Frame socket.

Are you sure that's only logs you get?

If yes, i will prepare a small script for you to run it and give me all the response.

Yes, those are the only logs I see, even with Debug mode turned on. I am not seeing any errors now, what I posted briefly I think may have been when I attempted to add a switch, which i is why I removed it.

I have no inputs/switches, and using wifi.

bojomojo commented 3 years ago

Tested it briefly. Working ok (on/off) Have not tested standby yet.

One question: the option to change the default behaviour for the off button is not yet implemented, right?

codyc1515 commented 3 years ago

Tested it briefly. Working ok (on/off)

Have not tested standby yet.

One question: the option to change the default behaviour for the off button is not yet implemented, right?


charlesvestal commented 3 years ago

while the tv toggle switch appears to work as expected, when i asked siri to turn off the tv she responded “turning off accessories” and the tv powered off entirely. will do a little more testing today when i get my toddler away from it