tavinus / opkg-upgrade

List and install OpenWRT / LEDE opkg upgradable packages
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Incorrect statement when no packages need updates #5

Closed Goro2030 closed 5 years ago

Goro2030 commented 5 years ago

When there's no package to be updated, the software should say so, instead of this:

Simple OPKG Updater v0.3.0

Done | Updating package lists
Error when trying list upgradable packages. Permissions?
tavinus commented 5 years ago

@Goro2030 , Can you please test this for me:

opkg list-upgradable ; echo $?

post the output below pls

tavinus commented 5 years ago

I think that is happening because of your extra config files, but not sure.

I would still like to get the output above, but v0.3.2 should fix it anyways.
Can you please test 0.3.2 and let me know if it works?

tavinus commented 5 years ago

Ok, so it is the new filter to remove the warnings opkg may print.
If there is nothing, grep will return not zero and it will raise the runtime error.

v0.3.2 should still fix this anyways, because I disabled that check
(which should not be needed at this point, since I test other stuff).

Goro2030 commented 5 years ago

I fixed the issue with the UCI thing ( was due to extra config backup files ! ) . The command that you asked me to test throws a "0". I have nothing to update in the system at this point.

Goro2030 commented 5 years ago

Fixed on 0.3.2! Bug closed.

root@RouterACS:~# ./opkg-upgrade.sh

Simple OPKG Updater v0.3.2

Done | Updating package lists
Done | Getting upgradable packages list

No packages to install!
tavinus commented 5 years ago

I wonder about the config names you had.
Maybe I could test for that before the upgrade.
Were they all *-opkg, some numbers?

Maybe there was already a default -opkg file and it could not create a new one?
Knowing how that behaves would be nice.

New version was published btw...

Goro2030 commented 5 years ago

Replies below

I wonder about the config names you had. Maybe I could test for that before the upgrade. Were they all *-opkg, some numbers?

No ... some -opkg files I had, but I also had other kind of files, related to dnscrypt:


I ran it agan today and had a bunch of luci-xxx upgrades, and got the error again:

Configuring luci-app-upnp.
uci: Entry not found
uci: Entry not found
Configuring luci-app-dnscrypt-proxy.
uci: Entry not found
uci: Entry not found
Configuring luci-app-bcp38.
uci: Entry not found
uci: Entry not found

Maybe there was already a default -opkg file and it could not create a new one? Knowing how that behaves would be nice.

New version was published btw...

tavinus commented 5 years ago

Ok, few questions.

Did ALL those updates which had errors have an extra -opkg config files?
I am trying to know for sure if that is causing the errors and also if that is the ONLY thing causing such errors.

Here is a what I get from one of my /etc/config/

# ls -lah /etc/config/
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           0 Oct 24 03:05 .
drwxr-xr-x    1 root     root           0 Oct 24 07:37 ..
-rw-------    1 root     root        1.0K Oct 24 03:05 dhcp
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         134 Jun  9  2018 dropbear
-rw-------    1 root     root        2.8K Oct 23 22:11 firewall
-rw-------    1 root     root         950 Oct 23 22:08 luci
-rw-------    1 root     root        1.1K Oct 23 23:06 network
-rw-------    1 root     root          97 Oct  7 02:06 rpcd
-rw-------    1 root     root        1.6K Oct 23 13:22 system
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root           0 Jun  9  2018 ubootenv
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root         807 Oct 23 01:43 ucitrack
-rw-------    1 root     root        3.9K Oct  7 02:05 uhttpd
-rw-------    1 root     root         989 Oct 23 23:01 wireless

Seems a bit weird to me that you have Markdown (.md) files there, since those are usually just documentation files.

The .toml extension seems related to Tom's Obvious, Minimal Language, which seems to be a config file, but I am not sure.

The .minisig extension seems related to encryption, more here.

I can't be sure those files cause any problems though. I would guess that ONLY -opkg files are guilty of that, but I may be wrong.

I am starting to think that creating a backup folder inside /etc/config or even somewhere else to move these files may be a good idea. I would need to rename them though (probably add a time-stamp + numbering to avoid collisions).

But first we need to understand it better.