taviroquai / BootWiki

A php Wiki built upon Twitter Bootstrap, RedBeanPHP and Slim Framework
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I tried BookWiki! :) #2

Open IGitSylvia opened 10 years ago

IGitSylvia commented 10 years ago

Hi, Marco, @taviroquai, I just wanted to let you know that I gave your BookWIki a try in my local dev setup up. I wanted to give you some feedback to perhaps encourage you to make this project active because YOU DO have the right foundation and Idea. Using Slim, Bootstrap, and RedBeanPHP was genius! :)

If you start the project again, I can help you out! :)

taviroquai commented 10 years ago

Thank you @IGitSylvia for your suggestions :)

I will consider them and see if I have some time to work on it...

taviroquai commented 9 years ago

Hi @IGitSylvia

Some updates have been made.

  1. Upgrade to Bootstrap 3
  2. Defaults with Flaty theme
  3. Tags delimited by commas
  4. Add date format setting on installer
  5. Rich text editor replaced by https://github.com/steveathon/bootstrap-wysiwyg