taviso / loadlibrary

Porting Windows Dynamic Link Libraries to Linux
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Definitions Version Not Matching #71

Closed vexxinfect closed 5 years ago

vexxinfect commented 5 years ago

I downloaded the definitions file multiple times but if you look at https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/wdsi/defenderupdates#manual look at the version numbers its not showing the same version

Version: 1.299.2667.0 Released: 8/23/2019 1:22:46 PM

exiftool mpam-fe.exe | grep 'Product Version Number' Product Version Number : 1.299.2660.0

taviso commented 5 years ago

I think the redirect takes a few days to update, you can do this instead, but they might change it in future:

$ wget 'https://definitionupdates.microsoft.com/download/DefinitionUpdates/VersionedSignatures/AM/1.299.2667.0/x86/mpam-fe.exe'
$ exiftool mpam-fe.exe | grep 'Product Version'
Product Version Number          : 1.299.2667.0
Product Version                 : 1.299.2667.0

Notice the version number in the URL.

vexxinfect commented 5 years ago

Yea Sorry I know its nothing to do with you , and Thanks for the answer