taviso / nntpit

minimalist reddit2nntp gateway
MIT License
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Use IMAP instead of NNTP? #17

Open antekone opened 2 years ago

antekone commented 2 years ago

Not sure what is a better place for such topic, so I guess I'll try here.

I did a similar project in the past, a reddit-to-nntp and lobsters-to-nntp gateway with posting support, and I've encountered two issues:

I'm wondering if anyone has been considering using IMAP instead of NNTP as a gateway target? So reddit2nntp would become reddit2imap. That would definitely solve issue 2, but I'm wondering about 1. Some informative reddit threads are massive (e.g. r/OutOfTheLoop) and I wonder if e-mail clients would be prepared for such amounts of messages.

So, did anyone consider IMAP instead of NNTP on projects like these? Or have experience with IMAP with massive amount of e-mails? My IMAP inbox counts ~50.000 e-mails and it's fine, but 50.000 is peanuts when we're talking about mirroring interesting threads from reddit ;)