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build8.sh broken; libc-5.3.12-27.i386.rpm no longer exists!? #52

Open rogerxxxx opened 2 months ago

rogerxxxx commented 2 months ago

Break/bug within build8.sh script, looks like the file libc-5.3.12-27.i386.rpm no longer exists!

Searching the Internet also seems to be returning null/failed searches for just libc-5.3.12-27.i386.rpm file. Rpmfind.net only shows some a few i386.rpm built packages, and likely will be likely far fewer within the next year(s).

Seems the build8.sh script was just updated last year, indicative build8.sh script may have been still working with a still likely still present RPM file, until the past months.

These pre-built dependencies should be stored within this archive, rather than depending on remote always changing URLs.

Meanwhile, I was just trying to build a generic tarball (installing to /usr/local), rather than using the eccentric Linux package manager packages. RPM prebuilt installs to /usr.

$ ./build8.sh
./build8.sh line 56: chmod 0755 wordperfect8_i386/usr/bin/wp
./build8.sh line 59: test -f libc-5.3.12-27.i386.rpm
./build8.sh line 59: wget https://archive.download.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/5.2/en/os/i386/RedHat/RPMS/libc-5.3.12-27.i386.rpm
--2024-05-09 20:37:18--  https://archive.download.redhat.com/pub/redhat/linux/5.2/en/os/i386/RedHat/RPMS/libc-5.3.12-27.i386.rpm
Resolving archive.download.redhat.com (archive.download.redhat.com)...,
Connecting to archive.download.redhat.com (archive.download.redhat.com)||:443... connected.
OpenSSL: error:0A000438:SSL routines::tlsv1 alert internal error
Unable to establish SSL connection.
4 :-(

WORKAROUND: Get the Red Hat 5.2 CD ISO, likely the first red-hat-linux-5.2-cd1.iso file. https://archive.org/details/red-hat-linux-5.2/

Temporarily mount the redhat 5.2 ISO file and copy over the specifically named and libc-5.3.12-27.i386.rpm and glibc-2.0.7-29.i386.rpm files. Script should then either ignore trying to download again, or the lines can be commented out for doing so manually.

# mount /home/user/downloads/red-hat-linux-5.2-cd1.iso /mnt/tmp
$ cp /mnt/tmp/RedHat/RPMS/glibc-2.0.7-29.i386.rpm /home/user/src/wpunix/
$ cp /mnt/tmp/RedHat/RPMS/libc-5.3.12-27.i386.rpm /home/user/src/wpunix/

PROPOSED SOLUTION: A more permanent solution, download the redhat 5.2 ISO file, either include the entire redhat 5.2 ISO file here for users, or extract the specifically required files as denoted above (smaller space requirements), and include them within the archive here. Not sure on the legalities, but will likely need to most certainly do so privately while deciding upon legalities, else these files maybe lost as time continues. There's likely other i386 distributions, providing similarly built libc and glibc i386 builds as well. Also, /usr files should be most certainly packaged as /usr/local files! Think the /opt directory is fine, or as intended.

emendelson commented 2 months ago

I haven't tried to build, but the first search hit on Google produced this download:


rogerxxxx commented 1 month ago

Once I provided the glibc and libc RPMS, using redhat 5.2, build8.sh is also missing libcompat.so and libwppatch.so.

file: build8.sh, line #68
cp ../libcompat.so lib/
cp ../libwppatch.so lib/

I'll check the redhat 5.1 RPMS rather than redhat 5.2, but this additional error looks to be occurring due to missing files within the root directory, rather than within missing files within the RPMSs' directories. Looks like files copied from libcompat and libpatch packages? The script, although well documented, doesn't provide much insight on these files.

(You're not going to like hearing this, but I switched to Duck Duck Go for search engine, due to Google's Internet search engine becoming significantly increasingly slow over the years... finally switched, as well as avoiding the newer non-HTML GMail interface.)

taviso commented 1 month ago

I'm currently travelling and can't easily test stuff - but if I had to guess, I would say you're not running make. I didn't think anyone would want to run those scripts directly.

If you're doing that because you don't want a deb file, you can just type make libcompat.so instead.

rogerxxxx commented 1 month ago

I was just screwing around, since make (eg. Makefile) was failing, decided trying other *.sh scripts for fun.

I'm guessing, probably should place all the not needed scripts in the root directory into utils/ directory. In your case, probably will have a couple of sub-directories under utils/ as there's already something in there.

Make now works, once I took the time installing multilib here on Void Linux. There's just another break on down likely near the end of make.