taw / magic-preconstructed-decks

Magic: the Gathering Preconstructed Decks
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Added Standard Challenger Decks 2022 #12

Closed SuppenNudel closed 1 year ago

SuppenNudel commented 1 year ago

Those Decks were released on 1st April 2022

taw commented 1 year ago

Thanks. I added them to NEO as mtgjson doesn't have Q07.

taw commented 1 year ago

By the way if you just give me url and date, I have scripts to do everything else.

SuppenNudel commented 1 year ago

Got to know and makes sense. Why does the Pioneer Challenger Decks have q06 as a code, but the standard ones don't start with q? Looking at MTG wiki - and I trust them at that - the challenger decks all have a code qxx

taw commented 1 year ago

There are a few cards in them that have Q06 printed on the card (majority have set code).

I don't think any physical card have Q07 printed on them, it's always set code.

That's mtgjson logic.

The reason why Pioneer decks need extra cards is because they don't want to include old frame cards, or such cases in the same product.

taw commented 1 year ago

All new decks are on https://mtg.wtf/deck mtgjson picks up the data every time they do update