taw / magic-preconstructed-decks

Magic: the Gathering Preconstructed Decks
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Not all asterisks removed from card names #7

Closed magreenblatt closed 5 years ago

magreenblatt commented 5 years ago

The code in lib/deck.rb removes a single asterisk suffix from a card name, but does not remove multiple asterisks. For example, data/theme/5dn/Nuts and Bolts.txt [1] has cards with both single and double asterisk suffixes.

What do the asterisks represent? Is the intent to remove all asterisks?

[1] https://github.com/taw/magic-preconstructed-decks/blob/master/data/theme/5dn/Nuts%20and%20Bolts.txt

taw commented 5 years ago

Well, you can see for yourself. A lot of old decklists had that for reprint information. We're currently stripping that but keeping it in source data on an off-chance that it will be of some use.

I didn't notice double asterisks before, I guess they got stripped at some later stage by indexer, since they're not there on mtg.wtf.

taw commented 5 years ago

Fixed now

magreenblatt commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the explanation. The asterisks seem to indicate cards that are included in the deck from previous sets. Perhaps the number of asterisks indicate different sets (e.g. cards with 1 asterisk are from previous set A, and cards with 2 asterisks are from previous set B).