tawada / grass-grower

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Add error handling to `send_messages_to_system` function for potential exceptions from `generate_text` method. #100

Open tawada opened 1 month ago

tawada commented 1 month ago

Sure, here is one issue in the code:

Issue: Lack of Error Handling in the send_messages_to_system Function


The send_messages_to_system function in routers_utils.py calls the services.llm.generate_text method to get the generated text from the AI system. However, this function does not implement any error handling for potential exceptions that might occur during the call to the services.llm.generate_text method.

If the call to services.llm.generate_text fails due to network issues, invalid inputs, or an API failure, the error will not be caught or handled gracefully. This could cause the application to terminate unexpectedly or fail silently without providing meaningful feedback to the user.

Code Example of the Issue:

def send_messages_to_system(messages, system_instruction):
    """Send messages to AI system for code generation."""
    messages.append({"role": "system", "content": system_instruction})
    openai_client = services.llm.get_openai_client()
    generated_text = services.llm.generate_text(messages, openai_client)
    return generated_text

Proposed Solution:

Add try-except blocks to handle potential exceptions that could be thrown by the generate_text method. Log the errors and return a meaningful message or take corrective action.

Code Example with Error Handling:

def send_messages_to_system(messages, system_instruction):
    """Send messages to AI system for code generation."""
        messages.append({"role": "system", "content": system_instruction})
        openai_client = services.llm.get_openai_client()
        generated_text = services.llm.generate_text(messages, openai_client)
        return generated_text
    except services.llm.llm_exceptions.LLMException as err:
        log(f"Failed to generate text from the AI system: {err}", level="error")
        return "An error occurred while generating text from the AI system."
    except Exception as err:
        log(f"Unexpected error: {err}", level="error")
        return "An unexpected error occurred."

This change would make the application more robust by catching and logging errors, instead of allowing them to propagate and potentially cause the application to fail unexpectedly.