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Use logoru instead of logging module #35

Closed tawada closed 3 months ago

tawada commented 6 months ago

Please provide specific code on how to change to use loguru.

tawada commented 6 months ago

To switch from using Python's built-in logging module to using loguru for logging within your project, you'll need to make some modifications. Below, I'll guide you on how to change the utils/logging_utils.py to utilize loguru instead of logging.

First, you'll need to install loguru if you haven't already. You can do this by running:

pip install loguru

Then, modify your utils/logging_utils.py to resemble something like the following:

""" Logging utilities for the project updated to use loguru. """
from loguru import logger
from functools import wraps

# Setup loguru logger
def setup_logging():
    """Setup logging for the project."""
    logger.remove()  # Remove default handler
        "debug.log",  # Log file path
        rotation="100 MB",  # New file is created each time the log file reaches 100 MB
        retention="10 days",  # Logs older than 10 days are deleted
    # You can also add stdout logging with custom format
        sink=lambda msg: print(msg, flush=True),
        format="{time} - {level} - {message}",

# Log message using loguru
def log(message, level="info"):
    """Log a message to the logger with loguru."""
    logger_func = getattr(logger, level.lower(), logger.info)

# Decorator to handle exceptions and log them
def exception_handler(func):
    """Decorator to handle exceptions in a function."""

    def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
        except Exception as e:
            log(f"An error occurred in {func.__name__}: {str(e)}", level="error")
            # Optional: re-raise the exception if you want it to propagate up

    return wrapper

This adjusted code:

  1. Utilizes loguru for logging, which offers a simpler and more powerful logging system.
  2. Uses the logger.add() method from loguru to configure where logs should be written, their rotation, retention, and their minimum level.
  3. Redefines the log function to work with loguru and to retain simplicity. This allows you to log messages with different levels using loguru's dynamic attribute access.
  4. Implements an exception_handler decorator to catch exceptions in decorated functions and log them accordingly.

Please adjust the log file path, rotation, and retention values according to your own requirements.

Remember to remove or comment out the original import logging statement, and any other references to the logging module in other parts of your project, replacing them with this setup to use loguru instead.