tawada / grass-grower

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Enhance error handling and reporting for improved resilience and user experience #37

Open tawada opened 6 months ago

tawada commented 6 months ago

The code present in the provided snippets appears well-structured and follows a modular approach to handle various tasks related to GitHub issue management and code generation. However, one area for improvement can be identified in exception and error handling specifically within the services and routers modules. While there are checks and logging in place for errors, the response to the client or subsequent action after logging the error is not always clear or consistent.


Incorporating a detailed and action-oriented error handling strategy will enhance the stability, usability, and maintainability of the tool by ensuring that unexpected issues are dealt with gracefully and users are properly informed about any issues encountered during the execution.

tawada commented 3 months ago

Some code changes were made. The code you see now is the modified version.

Is there anything I should modify about the current code? If so, please provide specific suggestions for the code before and after the modifications.

tawada commented 3 months ago

Your code is quite comprehensive, modular, and thoughtfully structured. Nonetheless, there are a few areas where you could enhance error handling and improve code clarity. Here are specific suggestions for modifications:

Enhancement 1: Detailed Logging and Error Handling

Current Code:

def exec_git_command(
        repo: str,
        command: list[str],
        capture_output: bool = False) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess:
    repo_path = os.path.join(DEFAULT_PATH, repo)
        complete_process = subprocess.run(
            stdout=subprocess.PIPE if capture_output else None,
            stderr=subprocess.PIPE if capture_output else None,
        return complete_process
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
        shorted_commands = " ".join(command)[:50]
            f"Command {shorted_commands} failed with error ({err.returncode}): {err}",
        exception, error_message = exceptions.parse_exception(err)
        raise exception(error_message) from err

Modified Code:

def exec_git_command(
        repo: str,
        command: list[str],
        capture_output: bool = False) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess:
    repo_path = os.path.join(DEFAULT_PATH, repo)
        complete_process = subprocess.run(
            stdout=subprocess.PIPE if capture_output else None,
            stderr=subprocess.PIPE if capture_output else None,
        return complete_process
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
        shorted_commands = " ".join(command)[:50]
            f"Command {shorted_commands} failed with error ({err.returncode}): {err}",
        exception, error_message = exceptions.parse_exception(err)

        # Enhanced error handling mechanism with retry logic
        if isinstance(exception, exceptions.GitHubConnectionException):
            # Retry a few times before failing
            for attempt in range(3):
                    complete_process = subprocess.run(
                        stdout=subprocess.PIPE if capture_output else None,
                        stderr=subprocess.PIPE if capture_output else None,
                    return complete_process
                except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
                    log(f"Retry attempt {attempt + 1} failed for command {shorted_commands}",
            log("Maximum retry attempts reached. Aborting operation.", level="error")

        raise exception(error_message) from err


Enhancement 2: User Communication on Errors

Current Code:

def generate_code_from_issue_and_reply(
    issue_id: int,
    repo: str,
    branch: str = "main",
    code_lang: str = "python",
        if not is_valid:
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid modification {modification}")

        msg = logic.generate_commit_message(repo, issue, modification)
        logic.apply_modification(repo, modification)
        success = services.github.commit(repo, msg)
        if not success:
            log(str(modification), level="info")
            raise ValueError(f"Failed to commit {msg}")
        services.github.push_repository(repo, new_branch)
        issue_message = logic.generate_issue_reply_message(
            repo, issue, modification, msg)
        services.github.reply_issue(repo, issue.id, issue_message)
        if branch != new_branch:
            services.github.checkout_branch(repo, branch)
            services.github.delete_branch(repo, new_branch)

Modified Code:

def generate_code_from_issue_and_reply(
    issue_id: int,
    repo: str,
    branch: str = "main",
    code_lang: str = "python",
        if not is_valid:
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid modification {modification}")

        msg = logic.generate_commit_message(repo, issue, modification)
        logic.apply_modification(repo, modification)
        success = services.github.commit(repo, msg)
        if not success:
            log(str(modification), level="info")
            raise ValueError(f"Failed to commit {msg}")
        services.github.push_repository(repo, new_branch)
        issue_message = logic.generate_issue_reply_message(
            repo, issue, modification, msg)
        success = services.github.reply_issue(repo, issue.id, issue_message)
        if not success:
            log(f"Failed to reply to issue #{issue_id} on {repo}", level="error")
            raise RuntimeError(f"Failed to reply to the issue #{issue_id}")
    except Exception as e:
        log(f"Error encountered: {e}", level="error")
        # Additional user communication mechanism
        services.github.reply_issue(repo, issue.id, f"An error occurred: {e}")
        if branch != new_branch:
            services.github.checkout_branch(repo, branch)
            services.github.delete_branch(repo, new_branch)


General Suggestion:

By implementing these changes, the codebase will not only handle errors more gracefully but will also provide more informative feedback to the user or calling functions, ensuring better resilience and user experience.