tawada / grass-grower

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Improve Robustness of OpenAI API Key Retrieval and Error Handling in LLM Service Initialization #42

Open tawada opened 5 months ago

tawada commented 5 months ago

Given the extensive code snippets provided across different modules and their interactions within the designed system, one notable issue is the handling of environment variables and default fallbacks within service configurations, specifically regarding the services.llm.__init__.py file and its usage of API keys from environment variables.

Identified Issue: Robustness in Accessing Environment Variables


In the services.llm.__init__.py module, the function get_openai_client(api_key: str = None) retrieves the OpenAI API key directly from environment variables without checking if the key exists or not. This approach assumes that the environment is always correctly set up, which might not be the case, especially in different deployment environments or when the application is run by different users.

Potential Consequences

Proposed Solution

Code Example

def get_openai_client(api_key: str = None) -> openai.OpenAI:
        if api_key is None:
            api_key = os.environ["OPENAI_API_KEY"]
        return openai.OpenAI(api_key=api_key)
    except KeyError:
        log("OPENAI_API_KEY is not set in environment variables. Please set it to use LLM functionalities.", level="error")
        # Handle the absence of an API key appropriately here. Possibly raise an exception or halt the operation gracefully.

This adjustment would significantly improve the application's robustness, error handling, and user feedback in situations where environment configurations may be incomplete or improperly set up.