tawada / grass-grower

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Improve Error Handling and Resilience for External API Dependencies in Python Automation Tool #64

Open tawada opened 3 months ago

tawada commented 3 months ago

The provided code is a comprehensive setup for a Python-based automation tool designed to handle GitHub issues, including functionalities such as generating code based on issues, updating README files, and more, utilizing services such as a Language Model serving via OpenAI and custom GitHub service handlers. It's well-structured into modules such as main, routers, logic, services, and utils, making it modular and maintainable.

One potential issue within this setup arises from the heavy reliance on external services, particularly the OpenAI and GitHub APIs. The integration points with these services are critical paths in the application, and any downtime or rate limiting from these services could significantly impact the tool's functionality. This dependency is understood from the mock tests and service layers designed to interact with GitHub and OpenAI.

To mitigate this, it would be beneficial to implement more robust error handling and retry mechanisms around these external service calls. While there's some handling in the services.llm module, and the GitHub service module has exception handling, these could be expanded to include backoff strategies and more granular exception classes to handle specific API errors more gracefully. Additionally, providing a fallback or a cache mechanism might ensure the tool's functionality remains partially available even when these services are temporarily unavailable.

Implementing these improvements would make the tool more resilient to failures and enhance its reliability, providing a better user experience by ensuring that it gracefully handles issues arising from its dependencies on external services.

tawada commented 1 week ago

The following changes have been completed.

Commit Message: (#64) services/llm/__init__.py Before:

from utils.retry_utils import retry_on_exception


from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_exponential

@retry(stop=stop_after_attempt(3), wait=wait_exponential(multiplier=1, min=2, max=120))