tawada / grass-grower

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Refactor codebase to improve separation of concerns between core utilities, business logic, and application entry point. #95

Closed tawada closed 1 month ago

tawada commented 1 month ago

After thoroughly reviewing the provided codebase, one notable issue stands out. The codebase features a mix of high-level business logic and lower-level utilities scattered across various modules. This approach can make future maintenance and readability challenging.

Problem Description:

The current codebase does not have a clear separation of concerns. Critical utilities and services (e.g., config_loader.py, logging_utils.py, retry_util.py, etc.) are somewhat intertwined with high-level application logic (e.g., in the routers, main.py, and logic modules). Consequently, the program flow and organizational patterns are not as distinct as they could be.

Suggested Solution:

Refactor the codebase to distinctly separate high-level application logic from core utilities and services. This can be attained by grouping related functionalities into distinct, well-defined layers such as:

  1. Core Utilities & Services Layer:

    • This includes configurations, logging, retry mechanisms, and API clients (e.g., config_loader.py, logging_utils.py, retry_util.py, github_utils.py).
    • Benefit: Ensures these utilities are reusable, testable, and decoupled from specific application logic.
  2. Business Logic Layer:

    • This encapsulates the primary functionality concerning business rules and processes (e.g., routers, code_generator.py, code_modification.py).
    • Benefit: Keeps business logic modular, making the high-level flow more understandable and maintainable.
  3. Application Entry Point Layer:

    • This includes the main application entry point and command-line interface management (main.py).
    • Benefit: Provides a single location for starting the application while keeping it separate from the internal logic.

Example Refactor:



  1. Core Utilities & Services Layer:

    • utils/config_loader.py
    • utils/logging_utils.py
    • services/github/github_utils.py
  2. Business Logic Layer:

    • logic/code_modification.py
    • routers/code_generator.py
  3. Application Entry Point:

    • main.py


Maintaining a well-organized codebase grows challenging as features expand. A clear and concise separation of concerns improves code readability, reduces technical debt, and maintains scalable development workflows.

tawada commented 1 month ago

Please write down the specific After.

tawada commented 1 month ago

Absolutely, let's dig into a detailed, step-by-step refactor of the original codebase. Here is how the refactoring would look after improving the separation of concerns.

1. Core Utilities & Services Layer

Directory Structure:

    └── config_loader.py
    └── logging_utils.py
    └── retry_util.py
    └── github_utils.py
    └── github/
        └── __init__.py
        └── exceptions.py
    └── llm/
        └── __init__.py
        └── llm_exceptions.py


import json
from utils.logging_utils import log

def load_config(file_path="config.json"):
    """Load configuration from a JSON file."""
        with open(file_path) as config_file:
            return json.load(config_file)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        log(f"Configuration file {file_path} not found. Loading default configuration.", level="warning")
        return get_default_config()
    except json.JSONDecodeError as err:
        log(f"Error decoding JSON from {file_path}. Details: {err.msg} at line {err.lineno}, column {err.colno}", level="error")
        return get_default_config()

def get_default_config():
    """Provide a default configuration as a fallback."""
    return {
        "repository_path": "downloads",
        "exclude_dirs": ["__pycache__", ".git", "downloads"],
        "openai_model_name": "gpt-4o",


from loguru import logger

def setup_logging():
    """Setup logging for the project."""
    logger.remove()  # Remove default handler
        "debug.log", rotation="100 MB", retention="10 days", level="INFO",
    logger.add(sink=lambda msg: print(msg, flush=True), format="{time} - {level} - {message}", level="INFO")

def log(message, level="info", **kwargs):
    """Log a message to the logger."""
    extra_info = " ".join(f"{key}={value}" for key, value in kwargs.items())
    full_message = f"{message} {extra_info}".strip()
    log_func = getattr(logger, level.lower(), logger.info)


import functools
import logging
from time import sleep

def retry_on_exception(exception_to_check, tries=4, delay=3, backoff=2, logger=None):
    def decorator_retry(func):
        def func_retry(*args, **kwargs):
            _logger = logger or logging.getLogger(__name__)
            mtries, mdelay = tries, delay
            while mtries > 0:
                    return func(*args, **kwargs)
                except exception_to_check as err:
                    _logger.warning(f"{str(err)}, retrying in {mdelay} seconds...")
                    mtries -= 1
                    mdelay *= backoff
            return func(*args, **kwargs)
        return func_retry
    return decorator_retry


import subprocess
import os
from config import config
from services.github import exceptions
from utils.logging_utils import log

DEFAULT_PATH = config["repository_path"]

def exec_git_command(repo: str, command: list[str], capture_output: bool = False) -> subprocess.CompletedProcess:
    repo_path = os.path.join(DEFAULT_PATH, repo)
        complete_process = subprocess.run(
            stdout=subprocess.PIPE if capture_output else None,
            stderr=subprocess.PIPE if capture_output else None,
        return complete_process
    except subprocess.CalledProcessError as err:
        shorted_commands = " ".join(command)[:50]
        log(f"Command {shorted_commands} failed with error ({err.returncode}): {err}", level="exception")
        exception, error_message = exceptions.parse_exception(err)
        raise exception(error_message) from err

def exec_git_command_and_response_bool(repo: str, command: list[str], capture_output: bool = False) -> bool:
    return bool(exec_git_command(repo, command, capture_output))

def exists_repo(base_path: str, repo: str) -> bool:
    path = os.path.join(base_path, repo)
    return os.path.exists(path)

def make_owner_dir(base_path: str, repo: str):
    owner = repo.split('/')[0]
    path = os.path.join(base_path, owner)
    os.makedirs(path, exist_ok=True)

2. Business Logic Layer

Directory Structure:

    └── __init__.py
    └── code_modification.py
    └── logic_utils.py
    └── logic_exceptions.py
    └── __init__.py
    └── code_generator.py
    └── router_utils.py


from .code_modification import (
from .logic_utils import (


import dataclasses
import os
import schemas
import services.llm
from utils.logging_utils import log
from . import logic_exceptions, logic_utils

class CodeModification:
    file_path: str
    before_code: str
    after_code: str

def apply_modification(repo_name: str, modification: CodeModification) -> bool:
    repo_path = logic_utils.get_repo_path(repo_name)
    file_path = os.path.join(repo_path, modification.file_path)
    before_code = logic_utils.get_file_content(file_path, newline="")
    after_code = before_code.replace(modification.before_code, modification.after_code)
    if before_code == after_code:
        raise logic_exceptions.CodeNotModifiedError("Code has no changes")
    logic_utils.write_to_file(file_path, after_code, newline="")
    return True

def generate_modification_from_issue(repo: str, issue: schemas.Issue, code_lang: str):
    messages = logic_utils.generate_messages_from_files(repo, code_lang)
        "role": "system",
        "content": "Propose a new code modification...",
    openai_client = services.llm.get_openai_client()
    generated_json = services.llm.generate_json(messages, openai_client)
    return CodeModification(

def verify_modification(repo: str, modification: CodeModification):
    repo_path = logic_utils.get_repo_path(repo)
    file_path = os.path.join(repo_path, modification.file_path)
    before_code = logic_utils.get_file_content(file_path)
    return modification.before_code in before_code

def generate_commit_message(repo, issue, modification: CodeModification):
    messages = logic_utils.generate_messages_from_issue(issue)
    messages.append({"role": "assistant", "content": f"Before:\n{modification.before_code}\nAfter:\n{modification.after_code}"})
    messages.append({"role": "system", "content": "Output commit message from the issue and the modification."})
    openai_client = services.llm.get_openai_client()
    commit_message: str = services.llm.generate_text(messages, openai_client)
    if not commit_message or len(commit_message) == 0:
        log("Generated commit message is empty.", level="error")
        raise ValueError("Generated commit message cannot be empty.")
    if "\n" in commit_message:
        commit_message = commit_message.split("\n")[0].strip('"')
    elif ". " in commit_message:
        commit_message = commit_message.split(". ")[0].strip('"')
    elif len(commit_message) > 72:
        commit_message = commit_message[:72]
    commit_message += f" (#{issue.id})"
    return commit_message

def generate_issue_reply_message(repo, issue, modification: CodeModification, commit_message):
    message = f"The following changes have been completed.\n\n{commit_message}\n"
    message += f"`{modification.file_path}`\nBefore:\n```\n{modification.before_code}\n```\nAfter:\n```\n{modification.after_code}\n```"
    return message


import random
import re
from datetime import datetime
from loguru import logger
import logic
import services.github
import services.llm
from utils.logging_utils import log
from .code_generator import generate_code_from_issue_and_reply, generate_readme
from .routers_utils import send_messages_to_system

def add_issue(repo: str, branch: str = "main", code_lang: str = "python"):
    prompt_generating_issue_from_code_lang = {
        "python": "You are a programmer of the highest caliber...",
        "tex": """Correct some files of the given paper...\n"""
    prompt_summarizing_issue_from_code_lang = {
        "python": "You are a programmer of the highest caliber...",
        "tex": "You are a reviewer of the highest caliber..."
    prompt_generating_issue = prompt_generating_issue_from_code_lang[code_lang]
    prompt_summarizing_issue = prompt_summarizing_issue_from_code_lang[code_lang]

    if not validate_repo_name(repo):
        log("Invalid repository format. The expected format is 'owner/repo'.", level="error")
        raise ValueError("Invalid repository format. The expected format is 'owner/repo'.")

    services.github.setup_repository(repo, branch)
    messages = logic.generate_messages_from_files(repo, code_lang)
    issue_body = send_messages_to_system(messages, prompt_generating_issue)
    issue_title = send_messages_to_system([{"role": "assistant", "content": issue_body}], prompt_summarizing_issue)
    issue_title = issue_title.strip().strip('"`').strip("'")
    services.github.create_issue(repo, issue_title, issue_body)

def validate_repo_name(repo: str) -> bool:
    pattern = r"^[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]+$"
    return re.match(pattern, repo) is not None

def update_issue(issue_id: int, repo: str, branch: str = "main", code_lang: str = "python"):
    services.github.setup_repository(repo, branch)
    issue = services.github.get_issue_by_id(repo, issue_id)
    if issue is None:
        log(f"Failed to retrieve issue with ID: {issue_id}", level="error")
    messages = logic.generate_messages_from_files(repo, code_lang)
    generated_text = send_messages_to_system(
        messages, "You are a programmer of the highest caliber..."
    services.github.reply_issue(repo, issue.id, generated_text)

def summarize_issue(issue_id: int, repo: str, branch: str = "main") -> bool:
    services.github.setup_repository(repo, branch)
    issue = services.github.get_issue_by_id(repo, issue_id)
    if issue is None or issue.summary:
        log(f"Failed to retrieve issue or issue already summarized with ID: {issue_id}", level="error")
        return False
    messages = logic.generate_messages_from_issue(issue)
    system_instruction = "Please summarize the following issue and its discussion succinctly."
    issue.summary = send_messages_to_system(messages, system_instruction)
    return services.github.reply_issue(repo, issue.id, f"Summary:\n{issue.summary}")

def grow_grass(repo: str, branch: str = "main", code_lang: str = "python"):
    last_commit_datetime = services.github.get_datetime_of_last_commit(repo, branch)
    logger.info(f"Last commit datetime: {last_commit_datetime}")
    logger.info(f"Today's date: {datetime.now()}")
    if last_commit_datetime.date() == datetime.now().date():
    issue_ids: list[int] = services.github.list_issue_ids(repo)
    random_id: int = random.randint(0, len(issue_ids) - 1)
        generate_code_from_issue_and_reply(issue_ids[random_id], repo, branch, code_lang)
    except Exception as err:
    add_issue(repo, branch, code_lang)


from typing import Union
import logic
import services.github
import services.github.exceptions
import services.llm
from logic import logic_exceptions, logic_utils
from utils.logging_utils import log
from .routers_utils import send_messages_to_system

def generate_code_from_issue(issue_id: int, repo: str, branch: str = "main", code_lang: str = "python") -> Union[str, None]:
    services.github.setup_repository(repo, branch)
    issue = services.github.get_issue_by_id(repo, issue_id)
    messages = logic.generate_messages_from_files(repo, code_lang)
    generated_text = send_messages_to_system(
        messages, "You are a programmer of the highest caliber..."
    return generated_text

def generate_readme(repo: str, branch: str = "main", code_lang: str = "python") -> bool:
    services.github.setup_repository(repo, branch)
    file_path = logic_utils.get_file_path(repo, "README.md")
        readme_content = logic_utils.get_file_content(file_path)
    except FileNotFoundError:
        log("README.md file does not exist. A new README.md will be created with generated content.", level="warning")
    readme_message = f"```Current README.md\n{readme_content}```"
    messages = logic.generate_messages_from_files(repo, code_lang)
    messages.append({"role": "user", "content": readme_message})
    generated_text = send_messages_to_system(
        messages, "You are a programmer of the highest caliber..."
        services.github.checkout_new_branch(repo, "update-readme")
    except services.github.exceptions.GitBranchAlreadyExistsException as err:
        log(f"Error while checking out a new branch: {err}", level="error")
    validated_text = logic.validate_text(generated_text)
        logic_utils.write_to_file(file_path, validated_text)
    except OSError as err:
        log(f"Error while writing to README.md: {err}", level="error")
        services.github.checkout_branch(repo, "main")
    services.github.commit(repo, "Update README.md")
    services.github.push_repository(repo, "update-readme")
    services.github.checkout_branch(repo, "main")
    return True

def generate_code_from_issue_and_reply(issue_id: int, repo: str, branch: str = "main", code_lang: str = "python"):
    services.github.setup_repository(repo, branch)
    new_branch = f"update-issue-#{issue_id}"
    if new_branch != branch:
        services.github.checkout_new_branch(repo, new_branch)
    issue = services.github.get_issue_by_id(repo, issue_id)
    modification = logic.generate_modification_from_issue(repo, issue, code_lang)
    is_valid = logic.verify_modification(repo, modification)
        if not is_valid:
            raise ValueError(f"Invalid modification {modification}")
        msg = logic.generate_commit_message(repo, issue, modification)
        logic.apply_modification(repo, modification)
        success = services.github.commit(repo, msg)
        if not success:
            log(str(modification), level="info")
            raise ValueError(f"Failed to commit {msg}")
        services.github.push_repository(repo, new_branch)
        issue_message = logic.generate_issue_reply_message(repo, issue, modification, msg)
        services.github.reply_issue(repo, issue.id, issue_message)
    except logic_exceptions.CodeNotModifiedError as err:
        log(f"Code has no changes: {err}", level="info")
        if branch != new_branch:
            services.github.checkout_branch(repo, branch)
            services.github.delete_branch(repo, new_branch)


import services.llm

def send_messages_to_system(messages, system_instruction):
    messages.append({"role": "system", "content": system_instruction})
    openai_client = services.llm.get_openai_client()
    generated_text = services.llm.generate_text(messages, openai_client)
    return generated_text

3. Application Entry Point Layer

Directory Structure:



import os
import re
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentTypeError
import routers
from utils.logging_utils import log, setup_logging
from utils.config_loader import load_config

config = load_config()

actions_needing_issue_id = {
    "generate_code_from_issue": True,
    "generate_code_from_issue_and_reply": True,
    "update_issue": True,
    "add_issue": False,
    "generate_readme": False,
    "grow_grass": False,

class MissingIssueIDError(Exception):

def parse_git_repo(value: str) -> str:
    valid_pattern = r"^[a-zA-Z0-9-]+/(?!.*\.\.)(?!.*\.$)(?!^\.)[a-zA-Z0-9_.-]{1,100}$"
    if not re.match(valid_pattern, value):
        raise ArgumentTypeError("Invalid repository format. Use 'owner/repo'.")
    return value

def parse_arguments(args=None):
    parser = ArgumentParser(description="Tool to automate issue handling on GitHub")
    parser.add_argument("action", help="Action to perform", choices=[
        "add_issue", "generate_code_from_issue", "generate_code_from_issue_and_reply",
        "generate_readme", "grow_grass", "update_issue"
    parser.add_argument("--issue-id", type=int, help="ID of the GitHub issue")
        "--repo", help="Target GitHub repository in the format 'owner/repo'", 
        default=os.getenv("DEFAULT_REPO", "tawada/grass-grower"), type=parse_git_repo
    parser.add_argument("--branch", help="Target branch name", default="main")
    parser.add_argument("--code-lang", help="Target code language", default="python")
    parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args)
    if actions_needing_issue_id[parsed_args.action] and not parsed_args.issue_id:
        raise MissingIssueIDError("'issue_id' is required for the selected action.")
    return parsed_args

def main(args=None):
        args = parse_arguments(args)
    except MissingIssueIDError as err:
        log(f"'issue_id' is required for the selected action: {str(err)}", level="error")
    except ArgumentTypeError as err:
        log(f"Argument error