tawada / grass-grower

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Standardize import statements across the codebase to improve readability and maintainability. #97

Closed tawada closed 1 month ago

tawada commented 1 month ago

One issue with the existing program is the inconsistency in import styles and names across different modules. For example, in some modules, specific functions or classes are imported explicitly, while in others, the entire module is imported using import module_name. This inconsistency can lead to confusion and makes the code harder to maintain and understand. It would be beneficial to standardize the import statements across the codebase to improve readability and maintainability.

tawada commented 1 month ago

Describe the specific code.

tawada commented 1 month ago

To standardize the import statements across the codebase, we should establish a clear and consistent approach. Here's a recommended style:

  1. Import Standard Libraries First: Import built-in Python libraries first.
  2. Third-Party Libraries Second: After the standard libraries, import third-party libraries.
  3. Local Modules Last: Import local application or library-specific imports last.
  4. Alphabetical Order: Sort each category of imports alphabetically.
  5. Use Explicit Imports: Prefer explicit imports rather than importing the entire module unless it's necessary for readability or namespace management.

Example Standard

For example, if you need to import the datetime module from the Python standard library, pytest from third-party libraries, and some functions from an internal utils module, they should be imported in this order:

import datetime
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys

import openai
import pytest

from config import config
from routers import routers_utils
from schemas import Issue
from services import github, llm
from utils.logging_utils import log, setup_logging
from utils.retry_util import retry_on_exception


Here’s how to implement these changes across your codebase. I'll go through each file and adjust the import statements to align with these guidelines.


import os
import re
import sys
from argparse import ArgumentParser, ArgumentTypeError

from routers import (add_issue, generate_code_from_issue,
                     generate_code_from_issue_and_reply, generate_readme,
                     grow_grass, update_issue)
from utils.logging_utils import log, setup_logging

# Establish a dictionary that maps actions to whether they need an issue_id...


from utils.config_loader import load_config

config = load_config()


import json

from utils.logging_utils import log


from loguru import logger


import functools
import logging
from time import sleep


import pytest

import services.llm
from services.llm import llm_exceptions


from datetime import datetime, timedelta

import pytest

import logic.logic_exceptions
import routers
import routers.code_generator
import services.github.exceptions


from pytest_mock import MockFixture

import utils.config_loader


import subprocess

import pytest

import services.github
import services.github.exceptions


import pytest

import schemas


import pytest

import main
from main import MissingIssueIDError


from typing import Union

import logic
import services.github
from logic import logic_exceptions, logic_utils
from utils.logging_utils import log

from .routers_utils import send_messages_to_system


import services.llm


import random
import re
from datetime import datetime

from loguru import logger

import logic
import services.github
import services.llm
from utils.logging_utils import log

from .code_generator import (generate_code_from_issue_and_reply,
from .routers_utils import send_messages_to_system


import os
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
from typing import List

from config import config
from schemas import Issue, IssueComment
from services.github import exceptions, github_utils


import os
import subprocess

from config import config
from services.github import exceptions
from utils.logging_utils import log


import dataclasses
import os

import schemas
import services.llm
from utils.logging_utils import log

from . import logic_exceptions, logic_utils


import os

import schemas
from config import config


class CodeNotModifiedError(Exception):


from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import List

By applying these standardized import statements consistently across the codebase, the readability and maintainability of the project will improve significantly.