tawk / tawk-magento-2

Tawk.to live chat plugin for Magento 2
12 stars 22 forks source link

minimum-stability exception #3

Closed dathwa closed 3 years ago

dathwa commented 7 years ago

Magento 2.1.8 (composer require tawk/tawk-magento-2)

[InvalidArgumentException] Could not find package tawk/widget at any version for your minimum-stability (alpha). Check the package spelling or your minimum-stability

any fix for this? thanks

oviliz commented 6 years ago

Facing the same issue while following the guide at https://www.tawk.to/knowledgebase/plugins-and-modules/magento-2-integration/

$ composer require tawk/widget

Could not find a matching version of package tawk/widget. Check the package spelling, your version constraint and that the package is available i
n a stability which matches your minimum-stability (RC).

The whole Magento thing seems to be ignored...

measureddesigns commented 6 years ago

Same, have had a tawk support ticket (#26427) open since Nov 2017.

Have tried to follow it up with live chat messages and emails, without getting anywhere.

Magento 2 plugin with composer install is not supported.

AboElnoor commented 4 years ago

This extension doesn't support the composer installation. But I've forked this repo for enabling composer installation.

Till my PR got accepted, You can run those two commands:

composer config repositories.repo-name vcs https://github.com/aboelnoor/tawk-magento-2 composer require aboelnoor/widget:dev-master

Credits: https://stackoverflow.com/a/32814046/6163727

GeekOfAges commented 3 years ago

Has been resolved in #11 Updated installation instructions can be found in our knowledge-base here: https://docs.tawk.help/article/magento

oviliz commented 3 years ago

@GeekOfAges , how come it took so long? :( This does not encourage using your chat solution as the next Magento update might break the plugin... I mean, I've even forgotten it exists.