taxjar / taxjar-node

Sales Tax API Client for Node
MIT License
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How to access TaxjarTypes? #55

Closed awhitford closed 4 years ago

awhitford commented 4 years ago

I can see from the source code that there are plenty of useful types available in TaxjarTypes. Alas, I cannot seem to access them...

I am using TypeScript 3.9.5, NodeJS 10, and I have the recommended import:

import Taxjar from "taxjar";

How can I access things like TaxParams and LineItem?

ScottRudiger commented 4 years ago

@awhitford Good question! We do export types such as TaxParams and TaxForOrderRes from the same package at the path taxjar/dist/util/types.

For example, here's some sample code that uses the TaxParams, TaxForOrderRes, and TaxjarError types:

import {
} from 'taxjar/dist/util/types';

export default (client): Promise<TaxForOrderRes> => {
  const order: TaxParams = {
    from_street: '2825 Sand Hill Rd',
    from_city: 'Menlo Park',
    from_state: 'CA',
    from_zip: '94025',
    from_country: 'US',
    to_street: '5230 Newell Road',
    to_city: 'Palo Alto',
    to_state: 'CA',
    to_zip: '94303',
    to_country: 'US',
    shipping: 14.99,
    exemption_type: 'non_exempt',
    nexus_addresses: [
        country: 'US',
        state: 'CA',
    line_items: [
        id: '0',
        quantity: 1,
        product_tax_code: '19005',
        unit_price: 535.8,
        discount: 267.9,

  return client.taxForOrder(order).catch((err: TaxjarError | Error) => {
    return err

LineItem is not currently an exported type (by itself). But it's exported as part of the appropriate param types and return types (CreateOrderParams, CreateOrderRes, etc.) so you still get type-checking and IntelliSense. But feel free to let us know if you'd like to request that other, more granular types be exported, such as LineItem.

ScottRudiger commented 4 years ago

@awhitford So sorry for the late reply!! Funny story; I thought I posted this last week, but revisited this tab and it was still a draft...😅

Thanks for the issue! We could definitely use more documentation around TypeScript usage in the API Reference and guides as well, so we'll get that added to the backlog.