tayfunulu / WiFiManager

WiFi manager for ESP8266 - ESP12 - ESP32 - micropython
MIT License
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New Feature Request: netObj.config(channel=11) for STA_IF Object #32

Open mmliam opened 2 years ago

mmliam commented 2 years ago

Currently netObj.config(channel=11) is only available for AP objects, However, for applications in which a station is awakened from deep-sleep, having the capability to fix the channel in advance, rather than having the station scan all channels would significantly shorten connection time for an ESP8266 running micropython.

The particular application requires an ESP8266 to remain in deep-sleep until awakened by an external event, the station reports the event, than goes back into deep-sleep to save battery power. Reducing the network connection time to a minimum is essential to the application.