If I try to install Elixir from the master branch, it looks like this:
$ kiex install master
That Elixir requires Erlang R16B or later but before R17
Erlang installation choices:
* Download - https://www.erlang-solutions.com/downloads/download-erlang-otp
* Kerl - https://github.com/spawngrid/kerl
* Package manager -
Arch: See AUR package,
FreeBSD: pkg install erlang
OS X: brew install erlang
Ubuntu/Debian/CentOS see erlang-solutions.com
Going by the look of install_elixir() in ~/.kiex/bin/kiex, the Elixir version check there only seems to consider numeric versions, not branch names. Thus it seems to think I need Erlang 16 for it, just as with earlier Elixir versions.
If I try to install Elixir from the
branch, it looks like this:Going by the look of
in ~/.kiex/bin/kiex, the Elixir version check there only seems to consider numeric versions, not branch names. Thus it seems to think I need Erlang 16 for it, just as with earlier Elixir versions.