taylor / kiex

Elixir version manager
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Installing Elixir Error - Uncaught error in rebar_core #59

Open tlluiz opened 7 years ago

tlluiz commented 7 years ago

kiex install 1.4.0 2.3.1 Downloading elixir version 1.4.0 Installing elixir version 1.4.0 Already on 'master' Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'. Switched to a new branch 'v1.4.0' From https://github.com/elixir-lang/elixir

tlluiz commented 7 years ago

It's solved! Removed the Elixir OS installation, reinstall just Erlang and try install Elixir with Kiex. Done! It's works. :)

taylor commented 7 years ago

What OS and version? What version of Elixir was installed with the OS?

tlluiz commented 7 years ago

@taylor Fedora Core 25 and Elixir 1.3.1 release 1.fc25